Chapter 5 | Dinner

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QUICK DISCLAMER! If you read my previous chapter 5 I deleted it and this a redo of it as i did not like the storyline it followed to! Enjoy reading :)))

You were eating your breakfast and thinking about last night, embarrassed and ashamed of what you said to Mason. You don't get why he stood up for you against Jack but somehow it made you question things...especially your feelings. "Hey lil sis!" Dec says walking in as he ruffles your hair. "Heyy!! Don't mess up my hair do you know how long it took me!!" You say to him. He laughs at you rolling his eyes. "We're going to that new world restaurant tonight, I think Mase is tagging along too." He says. "Oh." You say, unimpressed. "What happened last night anyway? Between Mason and Jack..." He says. "It's stupid. It doesn't matter." You answer. "From what I hear Jack was a total prick and Mason taught him a lesson." He answers. "Maybe but he didn't have to do it, I can fight my own fights." You say, stubbornly. "Your like a little sister too him really, he's watched you grow up and I wasn't there to protect you so he just did what he thought was right and you can't blame him." He says. "He isn't like a brother to me he's an arsehole Dec. Maybe he's a brother to you but not to me." You answer and walk away.


You get ready for dinner and you walk downstairs and chat to your mum and dad for a bit whilst you wait for Dec to get ready. *doorbell rings* Dec walks downstairs putting his shirt on and he answers the doorbell. It was Mason. "Hey" He says to everyone, walking into the kitchen. "Hey Mase!!" Your dad says. "Hiya Mase!" Your mum says. "Hey up you lot." After a load of small talk we all start to head out to the car. "Right. We will have to take two cars, Their isnt enough room in the car for us 5. It'll be cramped." Your dad says. "Ahh, i'll just go in mine don't worry its not a big deal." Mase says. "Sound." Your dad answers. "Shit. I forgot my phone one sec!!" You rush in to get your phone.

Masons POV.

"She's taking bloody ages! We are going to miss the reservation." Y/n's dad says. "You guys go ahead, I'll wait for Y/n and she can come in my car. We can meet you there." I say. "Alright, Cheers Mase." Y/n's dad says. They drive off and I wait for Y/n. I wonder if she even remembers last nights party. She comes out in a skin tight black dress paired with an oversized blazer and a pair of silver strappy heels...woah. All I could think was how amazing she looked.."I had to get changed I caught my other dress on the door sorry!!" She says rushing out. "Fine by me." I say. "Where is everyone?" She says. "They've gone to the restaurant cause you were taking too long, they didn't wanna miss our reservation. We will meet them there." I say. "Ugh. Now i'm stuck with you." She says. "You know you love me. Now get in." I say.

Y/n's POV.

You get into the car and place my bag on my lap. "About last night, you didn't have to." You say. "He's a prick. I just did the right thing." And we are silent for the rest of the drive...I just hope he doesn't remember what I said to him. You arrive at the restaurant. Mason walks to your side of the car and opens the door for you. "Thanks." You say. He nods. You both walk in and find your parents and Dec. You both sit down at the table. "Bloody hell Y/n what were you doing you were taking timeeee."
Dec says. "Well..I went in for my phone but then my dress got caught on the door handle so I had to change." You say. "High maintenance you are!" Your mum says. You're all looking through the menu and mason playfully kicks your shoe. "You're so annoying, Mason." You say. "You weren't saying that last night, Princess." He whispers to you. You go bright red. "Shut up." You answer. "Hi! What can I get for you guys?" The waitress says walking up to your table.

Masons POV.

The waitress came to our table to take our order and she was honestly stunning, she couldn't compare to Y/n but I wanted to piss Y/n off so I had a great idea. "And what can I get for you?" The waitress says to me. "You're number please." I say smirking at her. She giggles at me "I'll see, but for now can I get you some food mister?" She says smiling. "Ehhh, Steak and mash will do thanks. But I'll still be needing that number."

We all finish the food and the bill comes. "Think thats for you." Y/n's dad says handing me the receipt which has a number on it. I could see Y/n's face she was boiling with anger. "Surprised she even gave it you." Y/n says. "Surpised how?" I say. "You're just a prick, and your gross.." Y/n says. "Hmmm..You keep telling yourself that." I say back.

Not going to lie these words hurt coming from the girl your in love with but after what she said the other night I highly doubt she means it.

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