Realising the Repercussions

Start from the beginning

"Oh no."

Everyone turned to look at Jungkook, alarmed at the sad tone of his voice.


"Anna didn't get tickets. She decided not to go to the concert."

"How do you know that? She's been so excited about their comeback, there's no way she would miss it."

"Unless she thought it would be a burden. You know Anna, she would sacrifice her own happiness just so she wouldn't have to trouble anyone else."

"That does sound like Anna."

"But she was so excited to see Wang Yibo in person."

Despite his jealousy, even Taehyung looked sad at the thought of Anna missing out on something that would make her happy.

"Are there any tickets left?"

"No. It's been years since they last performed together, so tickets went quickly."

Taehyung didn't let this deter him. He started looking through his contacts list. Surely, he knew someone who could get him a ticket.

Meanwhile, Jimin was sitting quietly in the corner still on his phone.

"You're being very secretive over here."

Jimin tried not to jump at Jin's voice as the oldest member sat down next to him.

"No, Hyung. I'm just having some quiet time while we wait."

"Really? What do you have on your phone that's so interesting?"

Jin leaned over and got a look at Jimin's phone screen before he could hide it.

"Yah! Is that Anna and Jungkook's dance?"


"I didn't know someone recorded it."

"Hoseok Hyung sent it to me. He knew what was going to happen, so he set up a camera beforehand."

"I love Hobi. Send it to me."

"Sure thing, Hyung."

They both watched the video for a moment.

Jungkook dipped Anna in a sweeping motion in front of him, her back arched. She was completely reliant on her youngest soulmate to hold her up. When he did raise her, she was so close to him that the lengths of their bodies were pressed together. He moved his hands to her hips and spun her around.

Now her back was against his front, she raised her arms, one wrapping around the back of his neck. As they ground together, Jungkook ran his hands over her body. In rehearsals, he had been very respectful about where he put his hands, but now it was showtime, he let himself be more daring.

Anna didn't seem to mind. She brought her arms down, pushing Jungkook's hands away from her body. She bent forward, and then slowly raised her body. Circling her hips, she turned around to face Jungkook. She grabbed his hips before dropping to the floor and then sliding back up his body. This part was from one of her favourite movies: Save The Last Dance.

"I'm not sure this is the best place to watch it."

"I'm not watching it for that! Hoseok Hyung said one of the dance instructors suggested I teach Anna some moves."

"I think we've all been teaching her some moves recently."

Jimin rolled his eyes as Jin laughed at himself.

"Some dance moves. Contemporary style. This is the only time I've seen Anna dance properly, so I was watching it to see how she dances."

"Jimin, come to my lesson tomorrow. We're filming it for ARMY."

Both Jin and Jimin's heads shot up, not realising their conversation was being overheard.

"Yeah? Okay, I think I'm free, Hoseok Hyung."

"Jiminie how could you not share that video with me!"

"I'm not the one who filmed it Tae!"

Namjoon held up his hands before anything got out of hand.

"Children, children. Calm down. Now, Hoseok, Jimin, one of you send it to me please."

"Why do you guys like to torture yourselves?"

"Do you not want a copy then, Yoongi Hyung?"

"Oh no, I do."

Jimin frowned in confusion.

"Then you'll be torturing yourself too, Hyung."

"Ah, no, because I haven't been teasing Anna."

As the other processed Yoongi's words, the members who had been a part of the plan to tease Anna grew worried.

"But it's over now."

"Yeah, we're even-"

"Even? Ha, she went easy on you lot. Perhaps I should give her some more suggestions..."


"Woah, Yoongi Hyung. There's no need for that."

"Mercy, mercy."

Jin was rubbing his hands together in apology when a staff member came in to announce that they were ready for them. Before they left, Yoongi made one last comment.

"While you're watching that video, remember that it will be a while before Anna touches you like that."

Hoseok and Jungkook laughed, while the others groaned. Maybe their teasing hadn't been worth it after all.

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