Ep 21 - The Day Ninjago Stood Still

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Cole turns to the old woman, "Misako, the indestructible Stone Warrior we fought yesterday. Where did you find him?"

"He was buried under the city."

Jay gasps and turns to the others, "You don't think there's more, do you?"

"Most likely." (Y/n) answered, causing Jay to whimpered.

"Be on guard, ninja. We must be ready for whatever comes our way." Wu told his pupils, them nodding in understandment.

Zane's Falcon catches a glimpse of a Stone Swordsman walking out of an alleyway and destroying a fire hydrant. 

Zane deactivates his connection to the Falcon's eyes and informs Wu, "Sensei, it's as we feared. Another Stone Samurai Warrior is loose on the streets."

The ninja yelp as a Stone Warrior fist appeared within their circle.

"No. No." Kai said as the fists of more Stone Warriors appear through the pavement.

"No!" Jay cried as more Stone Warriors fists appear and some even running out of the alleyways.

"Whyyyy." (Y/n) drags out the 'y' as he ruffles his head in distress.

Wu gets into a battle stance, "We're under attack!" 


Gayle was on the streets of Ninjago City with her cameraman, Vinny, recording live at the scene, "As this army of stone statues sweeps over the city, no one is safe. Mayhem and destruction are their only want. Attempts at communication have failed, prohibiting even the desperate option of surrender! The mayor has already called for a massive evacuation!"

As citizens are run away from the Stone Warriors, Dareth runs out of his dojo and accidentally bumps into Vinny.

Vinny gets up and dusts himself off before huffing, "That's it, I'm out of here." He runs away.

Gayle grits her teeth and yells at him, "Quitter! Ugh!" She kicks the ground before turning around to see Dareth still on the ground. "You! Wanna be my cameraman?"

Dareth groans as he lifts his head before looking at the camera and slowly picking it up, "Uh...not really."

Gayle claps her hands with a smile, "Great! Follow me!" They run to the street corner to see a group of Stone Warriors creating mayhem. "I need this shot. You getting this?"

Dareth looks over the corner and steadies the camera and begins filming, "I hope so." He then points the camera at her.

Gayle clears her throat, "I'm standing outside Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo, training headquarters of the ninja, only to find that even here, no one is safe."

Dareth sees a Stone Warrior approaching them and tries to warn her, "Uh, Gayle, um—"

Gayle furrows her brows at him, "Hey. I talk, you film." She firmly ordered.

"But Gayle—"

"No buts." She then screams as a Warrior suddenly grabs her, but Zane kicks him and catches her.

Zane smiled at her, "You seem in need of assistance."

Gayle calms her beating heart from the scare before looking up at him, "Thanks, Mr. Ninja." 

Zane nodded and puts her down. The rest of the ninja catch up and get in front of the two, all in battle stances.

Cole narrows his eyes at the Warriors coming their way, "Stay strong. Show no weakness."

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