📖 + 🌦️| The Boss' Vater 3 (FINALE)

Start from the beginning

The servants around the house were already used to the sounds of her wailing cries and curses at the child in her stomach. The older maids were pissed for her 'ungratefulness' while the younger maids would whisper on how they'd relish to be impregnated by a rich man like Germany.

Philia finally calmed down and stares at one of the chefs. The cook felt the girl's uncomfortable gaze on him, he swallowed a lump before turning around to face her, "u-uhm...is there anything that you need, ma'am?" He asks nervously.

Philia flinches and looked down at her lap before nodding. "I...I'm craving for lumpia.." she said. The chef tilted his head before glancing at his fellow cooks and maids who all just shrugged at him, not knowing what the dish was either.

But nonetheless, the cook nodded at the girl's request. "S-sure miss.. when would you like to have them..?" He asked, praying in his mind that it would be for dinner so he could have time to research the said food. "D-dinner please!" She said, cheeks flushed from embarrassment. The chef nodded, mentally sighing in relief.

"T-thank you.." Philia said before abruptly standing up and dashing to her room. The chef sighs as he turns to his colleagues. "What the fuck is a lumpia?" He asked and they all shrugged again and made noises of confusion.

The chef sighs and grabs his phone to do some research.


I sat idle in my own meeting with Italy and his board of directors. Discussing our deals and collaborations for our first ever project since our first approved partnership three months ago.

"By the way Germania, where is your lovely secretary? I hadn't seen her since we got here." He smiles, tilting his head and laying his cheek on his palm. That smile of his inspires me to knife all of his teeth out.

But I decided to keep my cool and chuckle, "Miss Philia was promoted and had been relocated to another branch." I said casually. When we found out that she was pregnant, I was shocked. It took me a few days to think things through before finally feeling a huge sense of euphoria in me.

But for whatever reason, Philia begged me to keep it as a secret and to never tell anyone except for my father who, of course, already knew.

"Awee..what a shame. I would've loved to get to know her better.. she seemed like an amazing secretary." He smiles. Again, I want to knife all of his teeth out.
I chuckle, "ja, it is truly a shame." I held a tight grin, before my father finally stood up and cleared his throat to gain our attention, "alright now gentlemen, it seems that our meeting has reached its end. We shall discuss the next phase of the project in the next three months." He spoke. Everyone seemed to have agreed and both sides of the company stood up to shake hands with each other while Italien only nodded and smiled at me which is really irritating.

Once everyone left, I sigh and sat back on my chair until I felt tapping on the crown of my head. "Ugh, was willst du Vater?" I asked.
[what do you want father?]

"Jour schedule is all clear for today." He said, I sat up and looked up at him, "really?" I asked, excitement couldn't help but rise up in my throat like vomit. "Ja. Really." He said, I nodded, "then let's go home quickly. Ich freue mich sie zu sehen" I smiled, all the energy that was drained out from earlier finally returning.
[I'm excited to see her]

My father rolled his eyes and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Ich bin sicher, du bist." He huffs.
[I'm sure you are.]
I chuckle and grinned at him, "was? Eifersüchtig, dass du sie nicht mehr anfassen konntest?" I teased as we begin walking out of the conference room.
[what? Jealous that you could no longer touch her?]

𝐕𝐎𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐄 𝐈𝐈: Rᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ PH Bᴏᴏᴋ {Cʜ}Where stories live. Discover now