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What's the detective's name?


Fathima's POV:

After these months, I am still broken. I just can't forget my mom's...𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ and Shahid was also broken. I was too weak to handle him and handle... me. I didn't have the chance to see her death body, I  couldn't feel her last breath. But,I think  she is in peace. She knows that her husband isn't a drug addict and the taunts she got are now nothing but the culpability of the people. 

I am so grateful to him for handling Shahid's feelings. I can still remember Shahid's face, the helplessness of mine. I can still remember how he helped him, helped us. But this is not just the gratefulness in my heart, it's something different which I don't want to accept. It's wrong. I shouldn't feel like this. But, I am again with him in this case.

I close my eyes and lean my head in the seat and his concerned voice comes, "Are you okay?"

"Why are you asking this?"

"'Cause you snatched the case file and you didn't even see a word there and now you're going to sleep."

"First, I didn't snatch the file, second, I saw two words there and third I am not going to sleep."

"Oh! So you saw two words. Ya Allah two words more than one and half."

He replies with sarcasm.

"I am checking it now."

I roll my eyes and start to check the file.


Fahad's POV:

We reach the location and the house is in front of us. In the case file, there is written, this is their new house. Their parents went abroad. So, now here lives the girl Sofie and her brother.

We reach at the door and ring the green bell which they told us to ring. A girl seems 17 open the door.

Before we can give our introduction, she almost screams,"Oh my God! You two are detective nah? I have never seen any detective. Woooww!" She looks at us like we are some kind of wizard and witch from Harry Potter.

Fathima smiles awkwardly and says, "We are here to investigate Ms.?"

"You can call me Merve.Come inside."

We enter the house and I say, "Are you some friend of Ms.Sofie?"

"Oh I'm their cousin. I came here yesterday."

She says pointing Fathima,"Is this your girlfriend or wife?"

Fathima's cheeks flushes and she immediately replies, "I am also a detective and he is my colleague and who brings one's girlfriend or wife at works?"

Merve replies,"I'm sorry. Actually 

a mechanic came here and he brought his kid here. So I just thought that he brought know. By the way you two look so pretty together. You should date I think."

Is she a mad? I turn at Fathima and see her horror struck face.

I reply hesitantly, "We should start our investigation. Please call Ms.


"Okay!!!,"saying this she vanishes inside.

Fathima looks more pale. What took her?

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