"What have you done!" She barked at him, she voice tight with burning anger. For the first time that pride seemed to slip and confusion flashed there for a moment before a prefect mask of arrogance and indifference took over. However, Issy was too mad, she knew that her brother did not approve of their courtship but he had gone too far. He had done this on purpose to force a confrontation. She couldn't understand the level of dislike he had towards Massilon or why he would display it in so public a place and manner. Of course, Massillon had lost his cool and she couldn't blame him. He had tried to be civil and friendly with everyone she had introduced him to and Arion had ruined everything.

Issy could feel another emotion threaten to take over once more. Her eyes had betrayed her when she had been forced to watch Massillon march away from them and the entire scene with her mother hot on his tale. Of course she had protected her precious baby boy, Issy thought. Her throat burned with more unshed tears and anger.

"How could you..." she screamed at him again.

She could also feel the eyes of their guest on them as they lapped up every moment like starving scavengers. The fucking vultures made no effort to hide the fact that they were watching the siblings but in the moment Issy didn't care one bit. She wanted to rage and scream at Arion and she didn't care who watched.

"Isalinah please come with me," came a female voice from deep in the crowd turned audience.

It was May who spoke as she pushed her way to the middle of the circle of onlookers gathered to watch.

"Come along." Her tone was firm and carried none of the usual bright, airhead qualities it usually did. She didn't wait for Issy to comply and pulled her along by the arm.

Issy started to fight that firm grip, she was far from finished with Arion and May was not about to pull her away like some small child throwing an unwarranted tantrum in public.

"No!" she began but something in May's serious features made her hesitate and allow herself to be pulled along. May was apprehensive but determined, Issy concluded.

"Isalinah I said to come along," she stated again this time Issy was paying attention she she could tension in her cousin's face.

When she seemed sure that Isalinah would follow she turned to Arion who still remained rooted to the same spot as if frozen by the shock of Issy's accusatory tone.

"You cousin, must going to our Doeshar's office. You are expected." May continued.
A hushed whisper fell from the crowd still gathered as Lords and Ladies spoke in hushed tones about this new tidbit of information and what it meant for the Doesharee.

Issy again started to resist May's pull which was in the opposite direction. She wanted to go with Arion to their father and demand satisfaction. Her father had not been here when the incident had occurred she needed to make sure that the right series of events were retold to her father. She would not have Massillon made out to be the villain in her father's eyes.

No doubt her mother would take her baby boy's side. She would not outright lie to her mate but she would downplay Arion's rudeness and its effect.

Issy had been so caught up in deciding how she was defend Massillon that she had not realized just where May was leading her. She had been pulled back to the present by her old companion; claustrophobia. May was leading her down a dark poorly light tunnel. The ground slooped downward and Issy almost tripped as she struggled in her nice heels and the dress in the uneven ground.

"Where are we and where are you taking me?" Issy questioned her cousin as she showed no signs of stopping. Issy liked to think she was aware of the wealth and privilege into which she was born but she couldn't begin to understand where in the palace they were or where this corridor lead.

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