"The Holy Trinity"

Start from the beginning

“What if it’s obvious enough to work, you know reverse psychology.”

“And if he does get spooked, one of us can tail him and he’ll lead us straight to the evidence, if any.”


Problem is where are we going to get a recording device in a town like this?”

“Leave that to me. Old man Winston down at the stables can get his hands on anything. I’ll stop by tomorrow and ask him to get our supplies.”

The group morale had now shifted, it seemed working together to take down a presumed criminal had bonded the trio but this was only temporary.

“Darn it. I have to go.” Holden let’s out a sigh after reading a text message on his phone.

“Okay. I’ll walk you out.”

As the two walked towards the door, Micah picked up his suitcase and made way towards the guest bedroom.

“Let’s meet tonight please, at our spot on top of Sun Cannon hill. We really need to talk.” Holden pleads with Addison.

“Sure, just text me a time.”

“Thank you.” Holden kisses her cheek before leaving.

Addison closes the front door and turns around only to see Micah standing at the bottom of the stairs.

Loverboy gone?” He asks with a roll of the eyes.

“Don’t start Micah.”

I’m sorry.” Micah moves towards Addison and reaches out for her hands, holding them tenderly.

It’s just hard to see the way you look at him, especially after we kissed that night back home.”

“I know and I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make things complicated. You’ve just always had this way of calming me down and making me feel safe and I just gave into the familiarity of you. I’m not apologizing for kissing you after all I don’t even know where I stand with Holden half of the time, but the truth is I have feelings for the both of you and I don’t know how to deal with them without somebody getting hurt.”

“I get it.” Micah let’s go of Addison’s hands and faintly smiles at her.

“Micah.” She utters silently.

“Let’s go through your father’s bedroom. Maybe we’ll find some proof against him.”

“Yeah, come on.”

And with that the two went off in search of something that might not even exist.

On the other side of town, Carter and his minions where up to no good.

“We just spotted Addison arriving back in town. Holden and another guy were waiting for her.”

“What do you mean another guy?”

Carter barks and grabs a hold of his minion’s collar.

“I don’t know but he’s definitely an out of towner. He’s dressed in mostly black and leather.”

“Curse’s, just what I need another admirer of Addison. How the hell am I going to get in her pants now?”

“Well Holden and this guy looked like they didn’t like each other, maybe you can use that to your advantage.”

“Dude the more you get them to fight, the more time they’ll spend away from Addison and you can make your move.” Another one of Carter’s so called friend’s spoke up.

“That’s not a bad idea Jake but there’s no way Addison will even look in my direction if she thinks I’m still with Amber. Looks like I’ll finally have to cut that bitch off.”

“Why are you going through all this trouble just to sleep with some girl?” Kent, Carter’s best friend questions.

“To spite Holden. I swore after what happened between us in middle school I’d do anything to mess with his life and because I bet Addison will be into some freaky things in the bedroom, so how can I not hit that?”

“You’re a pig sometimes, you know that?”

“Careful Kent, one call to Sheriff Rhodes and your father will head right back to jail where he belongs.”

Carter seemed delusional. When it comes to men like him, their superiority complex always ends up being their destruction.

Hours later

After ransacking Pastor Mill’s bedroom and finding nothing, Addison and Micah cleaned up the place, leaving everything the exact way they found it.

“Oh dammit I’m going to be late.”

Addison says while neatening herself up.
“Where are you going?”

Addison did not know how to answer this, she knew juggling Micah’s and Holden’s feelings would be a difficult task. Luckily she did not have to respond as Micah already figured things out.

I’ll see you later then.”

“Maybe we can watch a movie or something when I get back.” Addison tries to make amends.

Sure.” Micah tries to flash his sincerest smile but fails.

Addison grabs her coat and keys before rushing out of the front door.

Dammit. Where can I get a drink around this town.”

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