(32) (2) Who's room is this?

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A/n: I wanted to write this whilst the idea was fresh in my mind and I also wanted to finish the story today as it's exactly three months since I started writing. Enjoy the final chapter!

When I open my eyes again I can hear a female voice yelling something about blood loss and getting to an operation room then my eyes shut and everything goes black.


Loki's POV:

Ivory chuckled as she heard what I said was true about her being a ball of energy, then she groans in discomfort. That is when I notice how big the wound going down her front half is. I have Peter take the boy elsewhere so we can bury him later as she requested. Whilst he does that I rush Ivory to the hospital and they instantly take her to an operating theatre. Hours pass and the entire team is in the waiting room, all of us nervous, pacing an biting our nails- well Tony and Bruce are anyways.

I pace up and down the hallway waiting for a doctor to tell us something, anything at this point. A surgeon walks out of the theatre and is taking off his mask and gloves. "You brought the enhanced in?" He asks me. I grit my teeth, "Her name is Ivory Midgardian." He rolls his eyes, "Yes, Ivory. Well there was a complication during the surgery but she was able to make it. Does she by any chance have a healing ability?" I nod and look at him confused. "Well that might have just saved her life, she had lost too much blood but at some point she began replenishing her own blood supply. It takes the average human about 4-6 weeks to replenish large amounts of missing blood. She'll be in room 4. One thing before I go....We don't know if or when she'll wake up so be prepared for her to be in a permanent comatose state if worst comes to worst." He give a small nod to the team and he walks off, before he gets far Tony stops him. "She will be moved to our compound within the day. I do not care what you wish to say, we will be able to provide for her." The man nods and rushes off.

I run down the hall to room 4 where I see her, she's in a pale blue robe and wired up to all sorts of machines, her face is littered with bruises and a bandage peeks through her robe making me think her chest wound is very large. Looking over I see her arm in a cast and my heart breaks, just how much pain has she gone through? The team start appearing in the room and Tony is the first to speak up, "She broke her left arm, about 3 ribs, her hip and collar bone and I don't even want to go into the large knife wound that stretches down her entire torso. I'm surprised she didn't lose any organs and only lost 45% of her blood. Then again the average person is on deaths door with the loss of 40%..." Tony starts to go off into his own world as he mumbles something else and leaves the room, Steve rolls his eyes and goes after him.  Peter sits down in one of the chairs and take a hold of her hand, I sit on the end of the small bed and look over at her. Seeing her like this breaks my heart.

Two days later

The boy's family was found and the avengers explained what happened, the parents were heartbroken and came to the funeral that was prepared. The mother couldn't stop thanking us for giving him such a nice burial whereas his father was angry that his son was dead. The mother wished to meet the woman who gave her son 'peace' and very hesitantly the team agreed. The next day the mother and father visited, they didn't expect to see a girl not much older than their son in a large bed hooked up to a heart monitor with a saline solution hanging beside her and they definitely didn't expect to see all the bruises she contracted from the fight.

"How....How many of her bones broke? That bandage...." Steve handles it whilst I sit beside her, I've been unwilling to move from her side since she was brought back to the compound. I would hate to not be by her side if she woke up. "Ma'am I don't think you want to know that." Steve assures the mother who shakes her head. "No I want to know." Steve was very adamant about not telling her but not taking no for an answer she turned to me and asked me, "How hurt is she?" I closed my book and looked over to the woman, "Broken left arm, three broken ribs, broken hip and collar bone, knife wound starting from her shoulder and goes down to her abdomen and she lost 45% of her blood. She nearly died..." I snapped at the woman. Her husband comforted her and they left, I obviously got scolded by Steve but as per usual I didn't care. I just want her to wake up and for things to go back to normal.

Half a year later

Ivory's POV:

I try to open my eyes but I'm hit with a blinding light so I shut them immediately. So this time I slowly open my eyes and allow time to adjust to the brightness of the room, it looks to be mid afternoon. I guess I was only out for a day or so. Looking around I wasn't in my room, this room was huge. The walls were wooden planks and the bed was lower on the ground not to mention the bed was huge! It was minimalist but at the same time it looked like no one lived in the room. I turn my head to the side when I hear soft snoring sounds, to the right of me is Loki hugging me from the back and to the left of me is Peter cuddling into my chest. I sit up and look at both pf them, they look exhausted and they've lost weight. Peter's breathing speeds up so I gently pat his head and for some reason I pet Loki too, just so I didn't leave him out. Loki groans, "Nat I am not leaving her side for the thousandth time! I do not care how long she has been in a coma for!" A small gasp leaves me, I've been in a coma....

Obviously not getting a reply from Nat was suspicious along with me still petting his head so he opens his eyes. For the first time in god knows how long my pale eyes meet his emerald eyes. He quickly sits up and slaps himself, "Ow...Your real?! Your really awake!" He yells and scoops me up into a big hug. Him shouting then woke Peter, "Loki please be quiet I haven't slept in two days..." He yawns and goes to cuddle back into me when he doesn't feel me he opens his eyes. "Ivory?!" I nod and the two of them tear up and start bawling their eyes out. "Just how long have I been out for?" Loki wipes his tears and faces me with his red eyes, "It's been half a year little bird." Half a year...
"The boy?!" I ask impatiently, Loki nods. "He was given a proper burial and we even found his family." I nod and remember his final words, 'I had lots of fun fighting you! I'm sorry I got you hurt and thank you'. Why'd he say 'thank you'?

I didn't get to think about it for long as all the commotion alerted the rest of the team because they came bounding in, once they saw me up everyone and I mean everyone pounced onto the bed and it became a huge cuddle puddle. I was stuck there for an hour; not that I minded all the hugs. They all interrupt each other as they explain what has happened whilst I was out. They had all grown a lot closer by the looks of things.

A year later

No one's POV:

"Here we see the avengers helping the people of New York to safety and fighting off Hydra. Over to Laura" The presenter says and switches over to a different reporter. "Thanks Sophie. Currently the avengers are helping people to safety and are moving rubble out of the streets so ambulances can get through to help people. Look there's two of them in the sky!" The camera pans up and shows a man with black hair being dangled about 200 feet into the air and a young looking girl with wings shaking him.

"DID YOU EAT MY PIZZA?!" Ivory yells and Loki, "YES! It was just sitting there!" He tries to defend himself so he gets spun around before she 'accidentally' drops him. "Oops" Ivory shrugs and dives. She drops alongside Loki as he falls,  she does a really cool superhero worthy landing whereas Loki crashes on top of a car. The car alarm echoes through the destroyed area. The reporter rushes over to Ivory as she gets the dust off her hands. "Dove! Dove! Who was that you just dropped?" Ivory grins, "Loki" The reporter takes a moment, "Loki as in God Loki?" Ivory nods, "Ya! He ate my last slice of pizza! He'll live don't worry."

The reporter nods and goes on to ask a bunch of other questions, near the end of her questions Peter swoops in behind her and takes Ivory out. The both of them are rolling across the ground. "Spiderling!" "Birdy!" They begin laughing. At some point Loki walked over to them because he picked the both of them up by the back of their shirts and held them up. He then begins to nag at the two of them, none of them noticed the camera on them so as Loki paced back and forth telling them off they made hand movements making fun of him and every time he faced them to see what they were laughing about they stopped. Ivory then counted down along with Peter and he made a web and flew off, Ivory opened her wings and flew alongside Peter. The decided to take refuge behind Steve who just hugged the two of them.  Peter and Ivory fist bumped and blew a raspberry at a fuming Loki.

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