(6) shopping trip

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Ivory's POV:

After I calmed down, me and Loki went to go eat. We had chicken nuggets. Looking around there were only a few Avengers in today, I guess they're either training or on a mission. Then out of the corner of my eye i see tony on the couch working on a small gadget. Sneakily I walk up  behind him, then i whisper "boo" scaring him. He turned around and saw me, I innocently smiled acting as if it wasn't me although it was only us in there as Loki had left the room at some point. We talk about a bunch of random things, Tony is telling me about what the world is like and all the places we could go on trips to. It was fun to listen to. I think he had an idea cause he had an evil grin, he then gestured for me to come closer so he could whisper his evil plan, again I don't know why we were being so quiet as it was just us in the room. After hearing the plan, I nod and solute Tony knowing what my mission is.

I knock on Fury's office door "It's open, come in" I was answered with a monotone voice, he doesn't look up from his work until I speak "hey nick" he immediately gets up and walks over to me, i back off as him moving so fast panicked me, he realised this and slowed down and picked me up. He put me on the counter and sat back down on his chair "what's up little one?" i look up at him "can we go shopping?" "yeah go with tony he's the one with the big card" i shake my head point at him "you want me to go with you?" I nod. He sighs and gets up helping me hop off his counter, holding his hand I pull him into the common room where I meet Tony's eye's. He nodded and got up "where you going Fury?" "shopping" I hear Tony snort trying not to laugh, "can we bring Peter with us?" I ask tugging Fury's arm, Fury sighs and agrees "let's go pick him up from school then" I cheer and Tony is on the ground laughing as he now knows Fury's weakness.

We get in a black car, I got to sit in the front. Fury drives to a large building where there are lots of teenagers walking out, Fury rolls down the windows so i can see outside clearer. What he didn't expect was when I saw Peter I climbed through the window and flew into him. Causing both of us to crash to the ground. All I hear is a "oof!"  "Peter!" I check if I hurt him "are you okay?" he sits up and laughs "haha I'm fine you little whirlwind. But what are you doing here?" I point to a worried and angry looking Fury that's walking towards us. The crowed around us parts and suddenly I get separated from Peter. Fury holding me by the neck of my shirt "what did i say about jumping out of things and running off?" I look down at peter and pout "don't jump out of moving objects unless its an emergency and no running off in case I get lost". I'm then put down and Fury helps Peter up "we're going shopping" Peter looks at us funny but shrugs his shoulders and goes with it. Before walking off he says bye to a few friends. We're driven to the closest mall.

Peter's POV:

After being tackled by Ivory we head to the mall closest to the school. Getting out of the car it looked like she was almost intimidated by the mall until I grab her hand. She is adorable. Walking in the mall we get a few odd stares for obvious reasons, one I've got a pirate with me and two I'm holding hands with a small winged kid. Wait she's only two years younger than me, shouldn't she go to school? I can talk to Tony about this later, let's just enjoy this.

We walk around to a bunch of different shops, about 30 minutes into our shopping spree Fury gets a call from Tony saying that jut in case we have another party, she needed to have something tailor made. We went but I don't think she liked having the tape around her, quickly after being measured she hid behind me. Not long later we got some food and she very happily ate, I think Fury wanted to go home by this point but he looked happy seeing Ivory smiling. We look around for a bit longer to find her a phone and we get her some more casual and colourful clothes to wear around the base. By the time we get back its around 6:30 but Ivory was still full of energy.
I help her bring back her clothes to her room and we hang them up together, then we go to the common room to set up her phone. I needed to explain what it was and what it was for. The basics she understood, how to call one of us, how to text and what facetiming was. The rest was a bit too much for her at this point but we can go through it another time. She runs off happy. I follow behind so she doesn't get lost and she asks everyone is she can have their number so she can call them. Which was one of the cutest things to see. Why is she like half my height? Maybe I should go find Tony and Bruce. I bring Ivory back to her room for the night then go to find them.

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