(16) remembered

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No one's POV:

The avengers spent weeks looking for Ivory and those weeks turned to months then months to a year. They were beginning to lose hope, they had gone to every single HYDRA base they found. 15 months (1 year 2 months) of searching Fury tells the team of yet another base to go through. The didn't feel great about this one as all of them so far have been failures. After a long jet ride later they found the hidden base formed into the ground, if they didn't know there was a base here the team would have thought it was a normal forest. Once in they took out the first few levels, then Tony and Bruce stayed in the labs to destroy all the files and work so none of it could be repeated. Loki, Bucky, Peter and  Nat all went down a couple more levels before splitting ((1)Loki and Bucky, (2)Nat and Peter). Group 1 takes the lower level whilst group 2 take the current level they were on. Most of it was Peter and Nat knocking agents out or helping secure the few enhanced on the level.

On the lower level with Bucky and Loki, the area was quiet. This made them uncomfortable so they were on guard, instead they only found  either empty rooms or rooms with enhanced inside. They cuffed most the enhanced as a precaution. Until they got to the end room, it was a forest. After searching for awhile a creature swoops down and attacks the men.

Loki's POV:

A small figure was perching on one of the trees but by we make eye contact the small figure jumped and glided down to us, crashing into Bucky. It was Ivory! Well what was left of what she was. Her wings now had a slight red tint on the edges where the blood has seeped into her feathers. Her talons are constantly out and currently are being used to keep Bucky pinned to the ground with her foot at his throat. Her eyes still the vibrant blue they used to be but in a way they seemed more animalistic. She had a collar around her neck and was wearing the HYDRA uniform. This isn't the sweet Ivory I remember.

I snapped out of my daze when she spins around to face me. She began to charge at me with her hand ready to crush my throat, so I use my magic to bind her. Which she obviously hated and tried to fight against. I helped Bucky up from the ground and he uses the coms to tell everyone we've finally found her. I could hear the cheering from where I was standing. "Well those cheers are soon going to disappear." I said almost teasingly. Bucky simply shakes his head and walks over to Ivory who is still trying to attack us. He injects her with a sedative and she slumps over. Bucky picks her up and I follow him as we make our way back up to the jet.

Once at the jet the smiles everyone had soon turned to faces of worry when they saw her condition. We had to explain why she was unconscious before they beat the living daylights out of us. Although we could all see the pain in Fury's eyes "put her in a containment room until we figure out what's wrong with her and why she was acting like that." Then he left. None of us spoke, eventually Tony broke the silence. "So, we gonna go wake sleeping beauty over there?" he points to the glass cage where I used to be, instead Ivory is inside this time. I hated it in there and I don't doubt for a second even in the wrong state of mind she'll hate it too. I think the phrase to describe how I felt was something like 'a monkey in a zoo?', I'll have to check that phrase.

Although the sedatives only lasted for 16 hours, Ivory has yet to wake up: It's been four days now. Everyone is becoming increasingly worried, but Bruce and Dr Strange can't find anything wrong with her. They think it may be due to exhaustion but none of are really sure. We are now playing the waiting game.

No one's POV:

Another day passes before she even showed any signs of movement before she woke up. Fury, Tony, and Bruce all went up to the viewing area to see how she'll react to everyone. Bucky, Loki, Peter and Nat all head into the room to try and talk to her from the other side of the glass.  As Ivory hears the four of them walk into the room, she becomes like a cornered wild animal. Scared. She was on all fours with her wings flared as a bird would to make herself look bigger and scarier. Obviously not working on the team instead it shocked them that she was baring her claws at them. Peter took a step closer to the glass, in return Ivory went into the 'corner' of the glass cage. He squatted down and smiled wearily "do you remember me Ivory? It's me, Peter." He pointed his finger towards himself hoping she would recognise him and be less fearful. It didn't work. Her eyes darted between the group of people before her.

Loki swallowed the lump in his throat and walked up and into the cage, she quivered in the corner hoping he wouldn't get any closer. To her dismay he did. He crouched down beside her and reached out his hand to which she returned a swipe with her talons. Leaving four claw marks dripping with blood into a small pool on the white floor. She retracted her hand as if to say sorry and Loki just smiles. He uses his magic to distract Ivory as he reaches for the shock collar around her neck. He carefully takes it off her and places it down beside the both of them. She looks at him then the collar then carefully rubs her neck as to not nick herself with her claws. Loki reaches out his already healed hand again to her cheek. She shuffles around unable to decide whether to let him touch her or not. In the end she doesn't have time to think and Loki places his hand on her cheek. Ivory felt warmth for the first time in a year, she nuzzled into his hand. Then snapped out of it when she heard the others outside the cage talk. She jumped back and further away from Loki and hid herself under her wings, then didn't move from that spot for the rest of the day.

Bruce's POV:

I watch beside Fury and Strange to see how the little one, well not so little one anymore, would react to seeing them. At least she has grown a little from when we last saw her. She's now woken up and is carefully observing the four of them. As they got closer she reacted like a scared animal would, her body was reacting to everything that they were doing which is likely due to had happened over the past year. "something seems off." Dr strange mumbles "what do you mean?" He points over to Ivory "by the way she's acting, other than the fact she seems like a caged animal, her mannerisms everything. I don't think she's in the right state of mind, something else is in her system." It would make sense but she's been here for four days and it still isn't out of her system. As if reading my mind Strange adds "though I'm now more concerned that whatever it is isn't out of her system and it's been four days. Also why hasn't she slept it off yet?"

We start going back and fourth between ideas when Tony yells out at Loki, looking down her has walked into the cell with Ivory. And he got hurt, shocker. "Well she seems more trusting now he's taken off the collar." Tony grumbles. Then she jumps back in fear of something and hides her body with her wings. That's when I notice it, there's a slight jagged line from the red. The red on the tips of her wings fade up to a point but if you focus on he wing you see that it looks like it was cut and re-grew. "Strange, look at her wings." He looks and tilts his head "what about them?" I move his head into a position to where he could see "notice how the red on her wings almost have a jagged line in them." His eyes widen and look over to everyone in the room "her wings were clipped."

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