(8) a strange encounter

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Loki's POV:

I pick up the child and grab Peter without saying a word, then teleport us outside the hospital Strange works at. It's the first time I've teleported Peter but he seems fine, the child on the other hand looks like she is in a state of shock "um Peter I may have broken the child?" I wave my hand in front of her face. Peter laughs and looks at her "oh she's fine give her a minute". It takes a little longer than a minute but she eventually snaps out of her daze. She looks up at me basically glowing "That was so cool can we do that again?! We went poof!" Whilst she explains her experience we walk into the hospital, her hands were doing most of the talking by this point as I don't think her mouth could keep up with how fast her brain was going, it was kind of cute though. The receptionist asks if we had an appointment and why we're here without looking up from her computer. Rude. "We're looking for Strange. Where is he?" "If it isn't an emergency you will wait like everyone else." The woman finally looks up from her computer visibly irritated, she most definitely wasn't expecting to see a child who has wings. The woman just froze and Peter jokes "I think you actually broke this one" "ha ha" I sarcastically laugh and start walking through to find Strange "But didn't the receptionist tell us to wait" peter rushes up behind me "and isn't she frozen at the moment?" He couldn't argue with my statement "true".

It doesn't take long to find Dr Strange. "I'm assuming this is Ivory" he raises his brow. I nod and he sighs "follow me to my office before I get anymore odd looks from the nurses" All three of us tilt our heads confused but follow him anyways. The room was as you would expect, average. A desk with a computer in the middle, book shelfs on either side and a few trinkets here and there between the books. He sits down on his chair "seriously Loki everyone remembers you for trying to basically take over earth." I look up "oh yea I did something like that" I hear Peter laugh at my comment which Is followed by a sigh from Strange. "so I'll be doing an x-ray, PET scan, a couple vaccinations and a regular check up. Okay?" I nod and look down at Ivory who looks a little nervous "Both me and Peter will be here the whole time with you okay?" she nods and smiles.

We have to leave her for the X-ray and PET scan but she seemed alright, in fact she seems more focused on the machines and figuring them out than anything. Once the results for those tests came back and nothing was wrong with her, it was then the regular check up to finish up with.

Ivory's POV:

The machines around me made weird noises but were interesting to look at. There wasn't much to do whilst I waited for the machine to stop so I was looking at the design of the machine, I had figured out how it was held together and other details. It's fun learning new things. Once I left the machine Peter fetched me from the white tiled room and brought me back to the one we were in previously. Dr Strange sat in his chair and went over the results, in simple words nothing was wrong with me. I told that Dr Strange will examine my body to check if I was okay everywhere else. To help I took off my hoodie showing the cut from earlier which Loki explains to the Dr. He puts a cold circle on my back "well her heart beat sounds alright and so do her lungs" After he removes the cold circle I feel his gaze on my back, "Loki, Peter would you please come here" he has Loki and Peter go behind me to look at my back.

Peter's POV:

Doing as Dr Strange asked us to we walked over to him, behind Ivory, I was shocked by what I saw. Her back was covered in scars ranging from small ones to a couple large ones that are around her wings, some are quite faint. I'm impressed Dr Strange even noticed this between her wings. "Do you know what these are from?" I ask hoping he would know the answer "well some of these seem to be from glass or a any other sharp object- your usual case of abuse one of the parents was probably an alcoholic. But some of the more recent ones look to be from either animal claws or hunting knives." I stare at him clearly upset "did you just say knives?" Strange nods "see the way the wound has cut her skin, its from the indents of the blunter side. The most concerning one for me is the largest one going from her left shoulder to just above her right wing." Loki finally chirps in "what about it?" "That is from a gun shot. How did she live before you found her?" Dr Strange questioned. "we found her in the woods about an hour away form here in a small village. We found that she's been there for about six years and lived with the animals." Strange nods and understands Ivory's past "well I can only assume this gun shot wound was from a hunter. The hunter could have been aiming for another animal and she defended them or the hunter accidentally shot at her." I walk around to face Ivory "how did you get that big wound on your back?" She looked a little upset "There were a bunch of hunters and they found mr deer. They aimed at him and shot. But I pushed him out of the way so he didn't get hurt." I felt upset as although she saved the deer she got hurt in the process. "But you got hurt" she waves her hands around "no! I'm okay see" she shows me her back, I sigh and give up on this topic for now.

"any other final tests to do?" I place Ivory in my lap as we sit down again "just a few more. We need to check that her mental state is okay" Both me and Loki were asked by Dr Strange to leave them room and we did. It felt like hours by the time we were allowed back in to see them. We sat back down and listened to what Dr Strange told us. "overall, her body is healthy apart from the obvious malnutrition from living in the forest.." which in all honesty we expected "but" I felt my heart drop hearing him say 'but' as it meant there were other problems. "thanks to her parents she has nightmares which have affected her sleep, causing her body to be tired, along with trust issues and other symptoms. Leading me to believe she has PTSD, the good part is so far there have been no hallucinations which could have affected her further." I hug Ivory as I hear all of what she's going through, it makes me feel horrible that I didn't know about this sooner. I could have helped her.. Dr strange continued "Although its more uncommon in girls, she has ADHD. Basically she can't concentrate well and will be quite hyper." I look over at Loki who is listening quite attentively "Have you noticed her struggling to get words out due to her mind going faster than she can speak? Lack of eye contact? Tends to drift off into her own world? Sometimes not notice that her name has been called? Or fixates on specific object or activity?"

During the time I've known her which is probably about a week now, I have seen her fixate on specific objects for no reason and look around rather than look at us. Hell before we even got inside here it was obvious her mind was going faster than her mouth as she was struggling to get words out. Yet again I feel stupid, how could I not have noticed these things. I put my face in my hands and sigh. Even Loki notices I'm quite upset and takes Ivory from me and places her in his lap instead.

"so what do we do to help her?" Loki questions "encourage her to exercise to get rid of some of that extra energy, try and regulate her sleeping patterns as best you can, but as well the adults" he points at us "have to be positive, not lash out and be patient with her as thing will be just as hard for her as it is for you, if not she will find things more difficult. So try not to sweat the small stuff okay?" we both nod and he writes down what he's just said for us to give to Tony or Fury when we get back.

A/n: thanks for reading if you've gotten this far!! Just a little note, I do understand how autism affects people and how there are differences between each person. I hope you continue to read.

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