(13) the beach

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Ivory's POV:

During one of Peter's school holidays we all decided to go to the beach mainly cause I've never been so I was really looking forward to it. That morning I packed a backpack and rushed over to Peter's room. He was almost ready and was just putting a hoodie and some shoes on, so I left to go find someone else to talk to. I found Loki sitting awkwardly on the couch. I hop on the back of the couch so I'm sat behind Loki with my chin on his head and my arms around his neck, "Why so grumpy?" I ask looking at the top of his head, he sighs "Kid I don't really like water that much." I tilt my head a little "why?" He reaches for me and brings me beside him hugging me which was odd cause he isn't a cuddle bug "I'm just not, It's one of those things" I leave it at that mainly due to Peter and Steve walking in the room ready to go. I pull Loki by the hand and promise that he'll have fun. To the car we go!

"That was the most boring drive of my life...why couldn't we just fly to a beach, you guys have like 3 jets." Steve looks at me then Peter who was in the front with him "I...didn't think that far ahead." I shake my head and tut "Not a big brain moment Cap" Peter laughs and we hop out the car. I look over the giant body of water and just freeze. The water is a clear blue and the

Steve's POV:

Ivory froze in place after looking at the sea, I guess she likes it. I smile as I watch her and Peter run down to the shore, there still in the shallows and I take this as a chance to put down our stuff. Glancing over I see Ivory dive under into the shallows. I sit down and wait for her to resurface which took around 3 minutes, she took in a large gulp of air and laughed at a worried looking Loki.

After a bit of calming down we sit on the wet sand with the waves crashing by our feet, Ivory cups her hands scooping up some water and drinking it before I could warn her. I sigh and wait for it.
"ewewewewewew Why Is iT sPiCy?" she starts running around looking for water, Peter tosses her a bottle of water which she wolfs down. "having fun?" I laugh. She looks over at me like I've just killed her hamster. "well i was having fun" she grumbles sitting down again but further away from the water now.

No one's POV:

The rest of the day was spent between, going in the water, Ivory trying ice cream for the first time, Laying in the sun and just having fun in general. As the sun set, the small group packed up their things and made their way back to the car. Ivory fell asleep On the beach so Steve had to carry her into the car, once in she was layed across Peter and Loki.

???? POV:

From what we've gathered on the child, we know she's young so it's likely she's naïve and easy enough to trick. Her mutant genes allow her to fly, change her nails: both toe nails and finger nails to become like talons which are sharp enough to cut through thick metals. She also has the ability to communicate with animals. Is this child going to be experiment 0351?

???? "yes bring her to here."

A/n: sorry it's short TwT

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