I ran down the hall and pressed the elevator button. We all were breathing heavily and sweating beads. As the elevator began to open Percy ran through the stair door. Ray and Prince, starring at him were about to run in the elevator but I grabbed their collars. Looking ahead at Micheal and Roan, I gulp. When Percy reached us they both prepared to fire but Percy's hand rose, signaling them to wait.

"I want them alive." He mumbled, locking eyes with me. He grabbed me by my shoulder and tossed me to Roan. Roan grabbed my wrists, making the gun fall out my hands, and covered my mouth. Micheal placed his gun on my temple, "I'm prepared to shoot. So no games." He said firmly. I turn my head a bit and stare into his eyes. He looked... scared. He instantly tore away from my gaze. "Take all three of them back to Division. I want to ask them a few questions before killing them." Percy commanded. Roan began to walk me back into the elevator as Micheal grabbed Prince and Ray. But right before Percy walked in also Prince punched Micheal in the stomach, making him gag and clutch his lower abdomen in pain. Ray grabbed his neck and puts his gun to Micheal's head, but Micheal reaches back and flips him over.

I roll my eyes, raise my foot and slam it back into Roan's knee. I guess we're fighting... Roan winces and punches me. I turn around and elbow him in the face. I can hear grunts and sounds of pain coming from behind me. He tries to get his gun but I knee him in the crotch and grab his head. I slam it repeatedly into the elevator wall until he seemed unconscious. I grab the gun out his pocket and run out the elevator before it closed. Micheal had a knife against Ray's neck, I raised my gun at him. Looking over I saw Percy, pointing his gun at Prince. "Give up, Taylor. Micheal can slice your little friend into bite sized pieces. And I can shoot your little boyfriend right in the brain." Percy laughs. We were all still. We all stayed still.

Starring at each other. 

Hoping for an action to take place.

"Put the knife down," I say to Micheal as Ray began to fight through his grip. "Put your gun down." "No." 

I look at Prince. "Here," I say to him, as I kick the gun I dropped to him. He looked off from Percy to give me a surprised look. "What?"

"Look on the floor dummy,"  I say, motioning my gun to the floor in front of him. Percy looks between me and Prince in discomfort. "He moves I shoot." He says loudly.

"Okay..." I begin. "Then I'll move," I spit, moving over to Prince. "What are you doing?" Ray chokes out as Micheal's grip increased. I don't answer. "Taylor, I'm not playing. Don't move-" Percy starts. "What?" I snap, "You shoot, I shoot. Fair game." He stays silent. "Go on..." I say, moving closer to Princeton. "Shoot."

He stays quiet. I just move a little closer to Prince, studying Percy's movements. As soon as I got to Prince he shot straight at the window behind us. "Don't make a move," He spat. I quickly grab the gun on the floor and shoot Percy in the leg. He screams out in pain. I turn and shoot Micheal in the arm and give Prince the gun. Micheal released Ray and Percy shot at us several times before collapsing. We ran back down the hall towards the stairs. I trip over my heel and smack straight to the ground. I laid there for a brief second to catch my breath. "Fuck.." As I get up I hear a gunshot, followed by a sharp slice of pain in my arm. I scream loudly as the excruciating pain of the bullet penetrated my skin. My hand cupped the aching wound as blood seeped through the tight separations in my fingers. I struggled to catch up with Prince and Ray. I whimpered as I began to slow down. Multiple shots flew our direction before we ran down the staircase. 

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