"I up Mama," you chuckled and nodded.

"Ok come on Honey. We'll get you washed and dressed and then it'll be time to leave," she nodded and threw her covers off running into your room and then into the adjoining Master Bathroom. You picked out her clothes and then followed her. After giving her a quick bath you dried her and helped her get into her leggings, black t-shirt and her little black Doc Martins.

"Don't you just look adorable," you smiled to the bouncing 2 year old in your arms. Just as you reached the kitchen to give Emilia a banana to eat the doorbell rang. You place Emilia into her Tripp Trapp before answering the door.

"Hi I'm Kevin and this is Scott. Sorry we're early, traffic wasn't as bad as we though. We'll put your bags in the car right now and then whenever you're ready, we'll be out there," you nodded before handing Emilia a peeled banana.

"Are you excited sweets?" She nodded, smiling. Once she finished you lifted her up and Scott saw you coming so got out of the black SUV and opened the back door. You buckled Emilia in and then ran back to grab your sunglasses, putting them on the top of your head, and grab your carry on bag along with Emilia's little bag with a few toys and books in it.

Harry: Missing my two favourite girls more than anything. See you in 5 days baby. I love you. FaceTime me when you wake up or have a minute. Even if it's tonight, I want to see you .xxx

You: I'm awake but been up with Emilia most of the night. She misses you too. Going to sleep now that she's sleeping. See you in 5 days. I'm counting down the seconds, my love xxx


"Mrs. Styles there seems to be quite a few paparazzi that have found out about your departure. I'll get your bags out of the car and Kevin will help you to get into the building," you nodded and unbuckled Emilia. You placed your sunglasses over your eyes and climbed out of the door that Kevin opened. He carried Emilia's little bag seeing as he could tell you were struggling and you carried Emilia with your carry on in your hand.

"Y/N are you going to visit Harry? Are you taking Emilia on holiday? Are you going to visit your husband? Are you cheating on Harry? Why didn't you go on tour with him?" Where some of the questions that were being thrown your way. You ignored them and with Kevin's help got into the airport to check in. Scott followed promptly with your bags, and once your bags and Emilia's buggy had been checked in, Kevin and Scott escorted you through to security before leaving.

"You excited to get on the aeroplane Emilia?" You asked as you sat at the gate looking out of the window.

"Yeah mummy. We fly! And we see Daddy," you smiled kissing the tired girl in your arms.

"You can sleep once we get on the aeroplane darling. Why don't we go get some snacks before we get on?" She nodded and you stood up putting her on the ground and taking her hand.


You were all settled on the plane and were 5 hours into the journey when Emilia had woken up and was no longer tired. She was bouncing in her seat shouting 'we see daddy' and you tried to quieten her down.

"C'mon Emilia. We need to be quiet for everyone else," you said sternly but she ignored you still chanting that she was going to see her daddy.

"Hey, don't worry about it. She's a kid, and she's excited, if anyone has a problem then they can suck it up," the woman in the seats across the aisle from you said and you smiled thankfully.


"Paul!" You shouted and he turned around to see you carrying Emilia with your carry on that you had managed to fit Emilia's bag into.

"Hi love, how was the flight?" He asked.

"It was good. Emilia loved it," he nodded and then the three of you walked to the baggage carousel. He managed to pull of the two cases of yours and Emilia's buggy. Preston appeared to help him with the cases and buggy while you all walked out of the airport. You spotted a few fans sneakily taking pictures of you and you hoped Harry didn't already know.

"Does Harry know anything?" You questioned and Paul shook his head.

"Nothing, the boys have been keeping him occupied and keeping him off of his phone," you were thankful that he wouldn't be on his phone and see any pictures of you and Emilia in the airport.

"You ready to see Daddy Meels?" She nodded excitedly squealing and Paul opened the door outside of the hotel. You climbed out and got Emilia out while Preston grabbed your bags.

"He's at the private villa pool lying so I'll take you to the villa and you can surprise him," you nodded as Paul took you to the villa that was apart from the hotel. He handed you a key card to get through to get in to the villa and told you where Harry's room was.

"We have to be quiet Emilia. We'll get changed and then surprise daddy," she nodded putting her finger over her lips as you tiptoed into Harry's room with Preston bringing your two cases behind you. You thanked him before opening Emilia's suitcase and changing her into a little polka dot swimsuit. You grabbed your matching bikini from your suitcase and slipped it on before making your way downstairs. You noticed through the open glass door that 4 of the boys were playing in the pool and Harry was lying on a lounger.

You creeped up behind him, and slid your hand seductively down his chest. He jumped off of the lounger and spun around to you.

"What the hell!" You laughed and then he realized it was you and Emilia.

"DADDY! I MISS YOU," Emilia screamed and all of the boys were smiling at the reunion.

"I missed you too darling. And you Mrs. Styles," he kissed Emilia multiple times all over the face causing her giggles to erupt and then he set her down.

"Emilia, go play with Lux for a minute please," he asked as she ran off to the girl playing in the little sand area, before sitting down on his lounger. Pulling you onto his lap so you were straddling him.

"You do know that the boys are there, and our daughter, and Lou and Lux right?" You whispered and he nodded.

"Mhm, but you look absolutely beautiful in that bikini," his fingers ran over your stomach that you had worked hard to tighten up after having Emilia.

"You look irresistible in those yellow swimming trunks," he smirked at your words and pulled you in for a kiss.

"How about we try Emilia swimming again?" You whispered. He nodded and you stood up going over to get Emilia from where she was playing with Lux.

"Lux do you wanna swim?" She nodded and you took both of their hands getting into the pool before helping Lux in seeing as she already knew how to swim being 5 years old. Harry got in after you and helped Emilia in.

"I don't like it," Emilia whispered and you knew she was terrified of drowning.

"It's ok honey. Look at Lux and I, and Daddy's got you. And I'm right here," you comforted your daughter and she nodded. Harry placed his hands under her arm pits and she held his forearms while you and Lux played together. After Emilia seemed like she was having fun and didn't mind the water anymore Emilia's daddy and her four uncles decided a game of 'Splash' was in order and as you sat the two girls on your hips and turned them away from the 5 boys that were pushing water towards the three of you, and trying to run away from them, the two girls on your hips screamed and giggled.

"Ok guys that's enough," Harry said and you turned around smiled at the two laughing girls in your arms. Niall came over and took Emilia from you and Zayn came over and took Lux.

"Let's have another baby. Once this tour is over, let's try for another one," Harry said as he put his arms around you and you put your legs around his waist.

"I'd want nothing more Mr. Styles," you replied with a large smile on your face. And it was true. You were ready to have another baby.

Toddler Series (Harry Styles) // Book 4Where stories live. Discover now