Chapter 20

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So considering that the last chapter I posted got you guys a little confused, this chapter should clear things up nicely. Hope you guys enjoy. BTW this one's a little long...

Skylar's P.O.V.

I woke up abruptly and found myself on the couch with a blanket over me. I was at the Lynches. "Oh thank God! It was just a dream!" I said to myself. But why the hell would I be dreaming about kissing Rocky? "More like nightmare, than dream..." I muttered.

As I sat up, I got an instant headache. I headed to the kitchen for a tablet. I took two Aleve then felt arms wrap around my waist. Last night's dream surfaced and replayed in my head. Please be Ross, please be Ross...

"Morning, Princess, you're up early." Someone said. I breathed a sigh of relief and turned around and locked eyes with my boyfriend. "You ok? You look like you saw a ghost." He asked.

"More like expected a ghost." I muttered under my breath. I nodded. "You look much better." I said, taking Ross' left arm and removing it from my waist. I watched his cuts. I kissed them gently. He smiled.

"Oh, by the way, Happy Three Month Anniversary, Princess!" He said, before locking lips with mine.

"Happy Anniversary, Ross." I said, after our kiss. "Hey, I better get home. I'll see you later for our date?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'll send Rydel over later to help you get ready." He said, as he kissed my forehead. I shook my head playfully, then left.

*That evening*

I opened the door and let Rydel in. "C'mon, let's get you ready for your date tonight." She said excitedly, while taking my hand and going to my room.

"So where's Ross taking me?" I asked as she rummaged through my closet.

"I can't tell you!" She sang, before pulling out a gorgeous skater skirt and floral mini top.

"That's beautiful." I said, admiring the outfit.

"Go change, I'll get everything else ready." She replied, handing me the dress. I nodded and headed into the bathroom.

Rydel's P.O.V.

When Skylar went to change, I got the curler and makeup ready. Ross didn't tell me exactly where he was taking her, but he told me it was a restaurant. As Skylar walked out of the bathroom, my gaze was on her. She looked stunning. "How do I look?" She asked.

"Absolutely beautiful." I replied in awe.

I continued with her hair. I curled the tips a bit and added a simple flower pin. After I did her makeup and nails. When I was finished it was half past five.

"Do you think Ross will like it?" She asked, twirling.

"Oh, honey, trust me, Ross is going to be drooling when he sees you!" I exclaimed happily. She smiled.

We walked down to the living room and watched some T.V., while we were waiting for Ross.

Skylar's P.O.V.

I was worrying whether or not I should tell Rydel about my dream. What would she think? She's my best friend, I'm sure she'll understand. Maybe I can tell her anonymously.

"Yo, Sky!" She hollered.

I blinked rapidly. "Mmhmm?" I murmured.

"You ok, you were staring at the wall..." She said.

I took a deep breath. "Well, I was wondering, if I could uh- get your advice on something..." I stuttered.

She nodded and said, "Shoot!"

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