Chapter 15

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Ross' P.O.V.

*Three weeks later*

It was about three weeks since Skylar was gone and I've been missing her like crazy, however I was at the studio for the final taping of Austin & Ally Season 3 so I had something to keep my mind distracted. After filming we had a small cast party at the studio. There was alcohol and I couldn't resist myself.

I was excited to get a drink then talk with my fellow actors, so we could celebrate the successful ending of another season. Of course we were extremely happy when we found out Austin & Ally was renewed for another season.

I walked over to the table with the assortment of drinks and selected the bottle of vodka and poured myself a glass. Any of my friends or family could tell you that I was a total lightweight and could get drunk off of coca cola.

I saw Laura walk towards Calum and I. No one knew this, but before Skylar came along I had harbored a small crush on Laura, but that subsided when I met Skylar, however I still kind of liked her.

*After the party*

When everyone left, only Laura and I were in the studio. By now, I was a little tipsy, then Laura came in my dressing room and said, "Hey Ross I'm gonna leave. See ya!"

I don't know what came over me but I pulled Laura inside and stared into her chocolate brown eyes that shone in the light of the room. I leaned in closer and roughly kissed her, with my hand on the small of her back, keeping her in place while the other cupping her cheek.

Laura's P.O.V.

I came into Ross' dressing room to tell him I was leaving but was surprised when he greeted me with a rough kiss. His breath smelt like alcohol and his hands were roaming to my back. His hand clutched my cheek, and his lips were wet. I tried my best pulling away, but obviously Ross was stronger than I was.

I moaned in between intervals, not that I was enjoying the kiss, although his is a pretty good kisser, but because I knew he had a girlfriend and I had liked someone else. Suddenly I heard the door creak open...

Riker's P.O.V.

I walked into Ross' dressing room to find him kissing his co-star, Laura Marano. I was furious. Skylar was like a sister to me and I really thought Ross loved her. "ROSS SHOR LYNCH, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" I screamed. They both jumped apart and Ross stared at me. Laura ran out the room.

I walked towards Ross and I could smell the alcohol in his breath. "Have you been drinking?" I asked.

"Maybeeee..." He slurred.

"You're coming with me, NOW!" I yelled, pulling him by his wrist, which probably hurt a lot since he fidgeted.

"Get the hell off me!" He exclaimed. I ignored him and dragged him to my car.

*At the house*

Stormie's P.O.V.

I walked into the living room to see Riker carrying Ross over his shoulder. "What happened to Ross?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"He uh passed out..." Riker said.

"I can see that. I meant why is he passed out?" I asked.

"He was uh drinking..." He said nervously. I put my head in my hands and gestured for him to take Ross up to his room.

*The next day*

Riker's P.O.V.

Today Skylar was coming back to California. Ross was supposed to
pick her up, but he had a hangover and couldn't even get off the bed. So I had to pick her up, I didn't mind though.

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