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"F*ck!Why does Jisoo III shuts down this early?!"Jisoo cursed.Shes outside the house inside a car,controlling Jisoo III.

"Well we didn't focused on her the way we did at Jisoo II since she's just for emergency purposes."Lisa said.

"I need to get in,Lisa.Winter and Irene is still inside."

"What?!Winter betrayed you and you still think about her?!"Lisa said.

"Lisa,she's my sister.Maybe something just triggered her to be like that.You hear what she said right?She thinks I'm selfish.Probably that Bae brain washed him.Is the police coming?"

"In a bit."

"Okay."Jisoo got the gun at her car's drawer."I guess it's time to face him with the robots."

"I'll go with you."

"No,Lisa.Its dangerous stay here!"

"That's it it's dangerous you need me!"

"Please,Lisa.Youve done enough for me.So stay here."Jisoo said as she got out of the car and locked it,with the key in her hand.She made sure that the windows are slightly opened for Lisa.She knows the girl is too persistent.

"Yah Kim Jisoo!"She shouted but Jisoo ignored her.She ran inside the house.

"Jisoo!"Irene said as she saw Jisoo.


"Unnie?"Winter said."I thought you're inside?"

"It's Jisoo III.Now go outside and wait for me at the car."She threw the key at Winter."Lisa's there,don't allow her to follow me here.I need to see that Bae."She said.

"But unnie-"

"I'm safe."

"Jisoo dad's dangerous!"

"I'll be fine.Now go there."

"Aha there you are the real Kim Jisoo!"Mr.Bae said.

"Run!"Jisoo shouted so Winter and Irene left the house.

"You little bitch.You tricked me!It's another robot!"

"She's not just a robot.Her name's Jisoo III."

"Whatever!Are you scared of me,huh?"He said as he grinned.

"Aniya.Thats why I'm here."She said.Two men came.

"Get her!"Mr.Bae shouted so Jisoo ran around the living room,just to get the two men dizzy.

"Giving up already?"She said and smirked,kicking the other guy at his stomach then the other one at the face.They walked to her dizzily,and she just banged their head at each other."Weak!"She got a syringe from her pocket and injected it to the two men,causing them to fall asleep."Have a good dream."She looked at Mr.Bae.

"You're smart,huh.But let's see if you can still get away from this."



Mr.Bae shot her at her chest and she fell down.

"Acting strong when your weak-"

"Just kidding hehe."Jisoo said as she sat up and smirked.

"H-How.."Jisoo tapped her chest.

"Bulletproof vest,buddy."She pointed her gun at him."Now who's the wicked one?"Then the policemen suddenly came.

"Hands up Mr.Bae."They went to him and put handcuffs at his hand."You have rights to remain silent.Every words you speak can be use against you."The cops got him,and Jisoo went back at the car.

"Where are they bringing my dad?"Irene asked.

"At the police station.Lets go there,Lisa."

"Okay."They drove at the police station,and they saw him seating at a chair,while the other two men where asleep.

"Can I talk to dad?"Irene said.

"Sure."He sat in front of her father,and she suddenly broke down.

"Dad why?Why do you have to be this selfish?It ruined you!"

"It's for our family,Rene."Her dad just said.

"But it isn't right!It will never be!"On the other hand,Winter was talking to her unnie.

"I'm sorry,unnie.I was..I was too fool to believe him and don't trust you.I'm sorry unnie."She said as she cried.Jisoo smiled and hugged her.

"It's okay.I forgive you.You'll always be forgiven because you're still unnie's baby."She said.Winter smiled.

"Thank you,unnie."


Afterall,Mr.Bae was sentenced of 8 years imprisonment for attempted murder.Lisa went back at Thailand,Jisoo already know her feelings and she understands it.Lisa kept Jisoo II with her in Thailand.Today Jisoo went to Irene's office,they'll have a meeting.

"Good morning,Ms.Bae."She said with a smile.

"What is this,Jisoo?"

"Let's start over again.So good morning,Ms.Bae.I'm Kim Jisoo CEO of Kim Techs.And you are?"Irene smiled.

"Bae Joohyun but you can just call me Irene."

"Beatiful.Can I take you for a dinner tonight?Just business stuffs."Irene laughed.

"Okay then,Ms.Kim."


Thank you for reading this book!Another story coming up tomorrow so stay tuned!Hope you enjoyed this book, everyone!

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