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Winter opened Jisoo II with the tablet use to control her.

"Hi I'm Jisoo II.Please take care of me."The robot said.

"Of course we'll do."Mr.Bae said and grinned."I'm going to check on my daughter.Go at the second room upstairs,let this robot stay here."He instructed at Winter.

"Okay."They both walked upstairs and Winter entered the room she was told,there's cameras where you can see whoever enters the house,and Jisoo II was seated at the couch.Mr.Bae went at the room where Irene is,and she just woke up.

"Dad?What happened?"Irene asked.

"You stay here,Irene.I need to use you."

"Use me?For what?"

"To get Jisoo here and kill her."

"WHAT?!Dad are you insane?!"

"I'm not.I just need her company,you know.If she dies,you get 15% of her shares and give it to me.I bought Kim Min Seok and Kim Jong In's shares which in total is 25%.If you add it up,it beats the 33% of Kim Minjeong.Then we can own her company!"He said as he clapped.

"Dad why are you doing this?!This isn't you!"

"This is me that our whole family doesn't know.This is how business works,my daughter.You should get used to it.Bye,for now."He said as he left the room and locked the door.

"Dad!Open the door!"She shouted,but her father doesn't seem to hear it.By that time,Jisoo arrived at the place.

"Winter?Irene?"She called as she entered the house.Theres no guards outside,and as soon as she entered,she saw Jisoo II seating at the couch.Winter controlled Jisoo II,approaching Jisoo.Jisoo II was about to punch Jisoo but Jisoo immediately blocked it with her hand."Jisoo II?What are you doing here?"

"Enemy."Jisoo II just said and attempted to punch her again but she can't.

"Who's controlling you?You're not like this.You're nothing like this,Jisoo II."She stated."Winter,Irene where are you?"She shouted.

"Enemy."Jisoo II mumbled again but Jisoo was able to push her at the side.

"Guess version III works well."She run upstairs,with the robot following her but she's quick to open the room door and close it as she saw Winter,holding the controlling tablet,and the headphones with mic to control the robot's words.

"Winter?How could you do this?Why did you betrayed your own sister?"

"You are the one who betrayed me!You're acting like you're protecting me when all the while you're selfish!You created Jisoo II so that I can't sit as a CEO until you comes back to take that seat again!"Winter shouted.

"What?Winter what are you thinking?I'll never do that.All the while I want to protect you and the company because you are my baby sister.I want you to be strong enough and well prepared before seating as a CEO.We are together for years and you won't believe me?Who told you this?"

"U-Unnie its-"The door suddenly open.

"Time's up stop talking time to die,Kim Jisoo."


"Surprise?You really did trust me,Winter.You're a fool.Now,"He pointed his gun on Jisoo's head who doesn't seem to have any reaction.

"You bitch."

"Hey!"Mr.Bae said as Jisoo attacked him and hugged his stomach,blocking him.

"Out,Winter the car's waiting outside!Find Irene too!Lock the door!"She shouted.Winter obeyed and left the room,trying to find Irene at other rooms.Jisoo lost grip as she suddenly sat.Mr.Bae grinned.

"Exhausted?Time to die,Kim."He said as he points the gun to Jisoo.


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