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"Please listen to me-"

"GET OUT!"Jisoo II shouted as she already scanned the bomb,hiding under the center table in a box.


"Aish!Suho get out!"Jisoo II carried Irene that made the girl startle.She ra outside and pressed the fire alarm button."EVERYONE GET OUT!"She commanded."Use the stairs!"

"Why are you carrying me?"Irene asked.

"I'll explain later let's go."As soon as they run down the stairs,the bomb exploded.Soon they got off the floor and everyone's safe in the ground floor.She put Irene down.Jisoo II saw Lisa."Have you called the fire department?Tell everyone to go out."

"Copy,Ms.Kim."She went back at Irene.

"Let's go outside."She said as she held Irene's hand.They walked outside,Irene still in shock.

"Is that why you're pushing me outside?"Irene asked.

"Yeah.The place was in danger.Someone sent me threat this morning that there's a bomb in my office.The culprit's getting bolder."

"Do you think it's the same person behind Jisoo's death?"

"Pretty sure.The person's trying to scare me."Lisa went back to her.

"The cops will investigate.You better go home first,you too Ms.Bae."

"I got this Lisa.You manage everything here."

"Just call me or Seulgi if something's wrong.Okay?"

"Okay."Jisoo II looked at Irene."I'm bringing you home.Did you bring your car?"She asked.

"No.I just ride a taxi going here."

"Let's just go to my car."They walked to Jisoo II's car,Jisoo II opened the car door for her,then she sat at the shotgun seat while Jisoo II at the driver's seat.The whole ride was quiet until they came in the Bae's mansion."We're here."Jisoo II announced.

"Jisoo."Irene called and Jisoo II looked at her.


"You..did you heard everything?"

"About what?"

"My conversation with Suho."She said.

"Yeah I heard it."

"Don't you feel..anything?"Irene asked.

"I'm a robot.I don't have feelings.I don't feel anything."



"Ohh.Okay."Irene said,like disappointed.


"Bye."Irene left the car and went inside their house.She doesn't know why,but she's disappointed.Is it because of Jisoo II?


Before sleeping,Irene texted Suho that she'll go out with him for dinner.

"She won't feel anything right?Yeah right stop it Irene babo."She said as she closed her eyes,dozing off to sleep.


The next day,as usual she went at her work.Her phone rang,it's Suho.She answered it.


"Don't forget our dinner.I'm picking you up at your work."

"I know,I know."

"I'm just reminding you,you might forgot it."Suho said.

"I won't.I need to go to work now bye."She said.She turned off the call,she doesn't even know why she said yes and she's actually mentally spanking herself for saying yes.She reached her company and walked at her office.She worked and worked,until evening came.She didn't know that Jisoo II's coming to pick her up but Suho was there too.Irene walked at the parking lot to wait for Suho.But Suho and Jisoo II came at the same time.

"Irene!"They both called and she looked at them,walking towards her.

"Why are you here?"Suho and Jisoo II asked to each other.

"I'm here to pick her up and bring her home."Jisoo II said.

"I'm here because we have a dinner date.Now robot,might as well just go home."Suho said,like mocking her.

"No.You can join us for dinner Jisoo!"Irene said.She doesn't want to be alone with Suho and luckily Jisoo II's here,she's hoping that she'll save her.Jisoo II seems to read it.

"She's a robot she can't eat."Suho said.

"I can."Jisoo II said proudly."That's a great idea.I'll come with you."She doesn't have tase buds,she won't taste the food but at least she's there to save Irene from the awkwardness.


"Please,Suho.The more the merrier!"Irene said.Suho scoffed.


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