"Ha! I like this one! Come meet my Husband Masaru! My name is Mitsuki by the way." She says and I smile. We go into the dinning room and I see a man with spiky hair just like Mitsuki and Katsuki but it was brown instead. "Masaru honey this is Katsuki's new girlfriend Madison!" She says and the man looks up. "Oh hello dear, I assumed we were seeing-" "Hush up Masaru." Mitsuki cuts him off and he smiles. "yes sorry dear." He kisses her and smiles. "Hello my Name is Masaru Baukgo. It's lovely to meet you." He says bowing his head. 

"It's wonderful to meet you too sir!" I say and bow to him. "I love your dress, who is it by?" He asks and I blush. "um I thrifted it. I think it's a cheap dress from America or something." I say and he smiles. "The material says other wise. this is a wonderful dress you look lovely." He smiles and I beam. I'm glad fashion designers like my sense of style that made my confidence boost. "Do sit please! Aizawa are you staying for dinner?" Mitsuki asks as we sit. "Oh yes I hope that's not an issue." He says sitting next to me. 

"Not at all! Here we go.." She serves us all plates and I smile at the food. "This looks amazing ma'am thank you." I say and she nods. "Of course hun!" We all sit and start eating, the food was SPECTACULAR! She's an amazing cook god damn. "So Aizawa not that we don't enjoy you here but why are you here?" Masaru asks and I blush. "Oh um... I am watching over Madison... Legally." He says and I stare at my plate. "So you have to be with her?" Mitsuki asks and He nods. "Yes.." He says and I bite my lip. 

"Well.. if you don't mind me asking what uh... what did you do?" Mitsuki asks and I look up. "Ummm w-well before my current job as body guard for class 3-A... I was technically under the legal eye... A vigilante." I say and look at them. They exchange a glance and look back to me. "I was technically supposed to go to jail but because I've never commit any major crimes I was allowed to become a body guard as long as Aizawa watched over me... " I say and there was silence in the room. 

I bounce my leg nervously and Katsuki puts a hand on my knee. I glance at him and he nods. "its ok." He signs to me and I shake my head. "What do your parents... think of this?" Masaru asks and Katsuki glares at them. "Hey could you not for like 2 second interrogate her?" He asks and I shake my head. "I-it's alright. Um my parents died when I was 9. Someone blew up our house and so um yeah..." I say and they stare at me. The silence only made me more uncomfortable and I was getting more anxious. 

"I never wanted to like do this whole vigilante thing but I needed money to keep going to school and get an education and so then I joined like a gang and they trained me to fight but I've never killed anyone or put anyone in the hospital or anything I just needed some cash so I just like went to scare people I never actually hurt people and I don't like hurting people! I just you know needed cash to get food and so my girlfriend when I was 11 helped me but that was a while mess because she was 16 and it was weird and I don't know." I speak quickly and feel tears in my eyes. "I need to use the rest room quickly." I stand and walk out of the dinning room quickly as I feel tears pour out of my eyes. 

I find the bathroom upstairs and lock myself inside and stare at myself in the mirror. "God you're so pathetic!" You can't do anything right can you? All you had to do was impress his parents but you're to pathetic to do that right? Why the hell did you mention Micha you dumbass! God they're probably gonna make you break up with Katsuki. But I like Katsuki so much I don't wanna loose him! I can't loose him he makes me so happy god d-damn it. I stare at myself as I start sobbing. I'm so disgusting... 

-Bakugo's POV-

"God damn it..." I grunt and look at my parents. "Why the fuck did you push her!" I yell at them. "All we asked is what happened!" Mom yells and I huff. "Oh is she ok? I hope she's not crying up there..." Dad says and I roll my eyes. "Why we're you judging her so hard!" I yell at them standing up. "We weren't! I like her brat she's cool!" Mom says, Ok I was not excepting that. "We were just trying to process everything alright? That's a lot for a girl her age. I can't imagine how tough it was." Mom says and dad nods in agreement.

"Wait so you don't hate her?" I asks and they laugh. "I like her Katsuki. A lot. She's a perfect match for you honestly." Mom says and I blush. "I'm just gonna go get Madison.." Aizawa says leaving the room. "She's pretty, she's smart, she has a job, she's mature. I know you're in good hands with her. She seems tough I trust that she's taking care of you and keeping you in line." Mom smiles and I look down. "No no I can't they probably think I'm a train wreak let me go." I hear Madison crying in the hallways and we all stop talking. 

"Just go talk to them, they like you." Aizawa whispers and I hear her sniffle. "I should have never came here, Katsuki probably thinks I'm insane I can't even keep it together long enough to get through dinner! I'm a mess he doesn't deserve this, He should be with someone who can fucking handle talking about there past without spiraling out of control. Maybe Ururaka was right I can't be good for him.." She whisper cries and I look down. Does she really feel like I don't like her because of this? 

"I need to go Aizawa I can't face them like this." She sobs and I go to the hallway. "Come on." I grab her arm and she stares at me. "Katsuki no I can't-" "Shut up." I say and pulls her back into the dinning room. I sit her down and sit next to her. I pull her face to look at me and use her napkin to whip her tears. "I love you ok. I keep telling you that because I don't want you to forget it. I think you're perfect. You have a hard time with your past because you've never had someone to talk about it and work through it. You're working on it, we all have shit. Don't worry about it ok?" I ask and she looks at me. 

"And they like you too. A lot." I whisper and kiss her lips. "Ok?" I ask and her breath hitches. "Ok?" I chuckle and she giggles a little. "Ok..." She says and kisses me. "I'm sorry." She says to my parents and they smile at her. "It's alright dear." Dad says. "yeah, I think it's pretty kick ass that you were a vigilante! You know how to fight?" Mom asks and Madison nods. "um yeah I know how to street fight, I know Jujutsu, Judo, Kung fu, And Kendo! I also know how to fight with different types of weapons." Madison sniffles and Aizawa smiles at her sitting back down. 

"Oh yeah? What's your favorite?" Dad asks and she perks up a little. "I always have a boot knife on me but my favorite to fight with are But I like to use a Bowie knife the most, it's light and and effective but Throwing knives are the best for long range combat." She explains and Mom smiles wide. "Oh yeah? What's your quirk dear?" Mom asks and she giggles. "I'm actually quirkless." She says. "Oh really?" Dad asks with a smile. "That's shocking! Especially after everything that happened with Izuku and Kats-" "Mom shut up." I say blushing a little. "Oh drama?" Madison asks me and I look down. "No." I mumble and she giggles. 

The rest of the night was spent talking and getting to know everyone. Madison had a good time talking with my parents and they adored her. She even taught them how to sign a few things to me which was pretty cool. The night night have not been perfect in normal standards but know that Madison cared about me... It made me happy. She's everything I could ever want. I hold her hand and she looks to me. "ok?" She asks and I nod. "yeah." I smile at her and she giggles... 

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