Battle between comrades

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Boom, you feel something hit you in the back and you fall face first into the ground. You hear voices behind you, but one stands out the most.

V: Y/n?

You get up and brush yourself off. You turn around to meet everyone's gazes, it's been almost 1 1/2 months since you last seen everyone. Some look relieved, others indifferent. You pull your mask back up and move to turn around.

M: Stay there...

You look up at Midas' stone cold glare hes on his battle suit and you chuckle.

Y/n: Just let me go...

V: We cant do that!

Everyone readies their weapons and begin to walk towards you. You use rift speed and quickly go towards Midas first, but Vi jumps in the way. She grabs your arm and throws you away from the group. 'Shes been training I can tell.' Suddenly something hits you from behind, your getting lifted into the air by someone. You struggle agianst their grip and once your up high enough they drop you into the ocean.

You plunge into the choppy waves and look around. You see a figure moving quickly towards you in the water and several others follow closely behind. Your not in your normal fighting area so your at a disadvantage. All the water warriors grab you and pull you deeper into the water.

You can feel your consciousness slipping away from you. You finally hit the ocean floor and they stay there. Just staring at you. 'It can't happen like this!'

You punch the ocean floor below you and it sends up a swirl of dirt. You get on your feet and uses the ocean floor to propel you upwards. You burst out of the water and rift yourself onto the shore.

You take a deep breath of air and you hear footsteps running behind you. Midas tries to use his golden touch but you quickly evade, tripping him then kicking him far away from you. Roxs mother Singularity flies at you and you meet her head on. Grabbing her shoulders and ripping one of the tubes in her jetpack sending her flying wildly into the air.

Y/n: Stop now!

You can feel yourself getting shakey, your exhausted now more then ever.

V: Y/n!

Vi runs towards you lightning swirling around her fist. You begin to tear up knkwing what you have to do. You charge a rift punch and run towards your girlfreind. A looks of pure determination engulfs her face.

Just as your punches are about to meet, your rift speed goes and the punch dissipates. You fall to your knees and it hits you. Youve been running on pure adrenaline this whole time. Your body is completely spent now, you fall face first into the sand unable to move.

Vi turns you around and you meet her gaze. She looks happy, concerned, and pissed off. She looks at your chest and the various scratches lining them. Your bruised face, and the bandages still on your body from the hospital that you never took off.

V: Why did you do this? W-why?

She begins to cry and her teardrops fall into you. She puts her forehead on your chest and holds you close to her.

Y/n: I'm sorry.

All of your freinds surround the two of you. Midas also with several gaurds carrying shackles. You try to stand up but your far to weak to move at all. Your body forces you to sleep so you do.

*A few hours later*

You wake up in a high tech cell. All cleaned up and steaming plate of food next to you. You close your eyes but the lure of the food is to much. You wolf it down and drink the fresh cup of water that came with it. You hear footsteps coming and Vi looks through the glass window.

Y/n: Hey Vi.

V: Hey. Are you ok?

Y/n: Yeah, you?

V: Physically yes, mentally no.

You stand up and walk to the window and look her in the eyes. You place your hand on the glass and so does she.

Y/n: I'm sorry, I didnt want my freinds getting hurt.

V: Midas said you can be realeased sometime today. Just get some rest.

She starts walking down the hall and you watch her.

Y/n: I love you Vi!

She nods her head and walks away. You flop back onto your bed and fall back asleep.

*With Raz*

R: What happened?

Fade lays in a broken state, he is barely hanging on to life. He lays in a crater, the ground around him cracked and jagged. Crystal bends down and checks his pulse.

C: There's no point of trying, hes near death.

R: What if there is a way, he can live on in me.

Raz steps forward and lays his hand on Fades forehead. Glyphs appear all over Fades body and crawl towards Raz and burn onto his body. It hurts but Raz can only feel his own power rising. Fades life force dwindles as it flows into Raz. Until Fade is only a empty shell of a human.

Raz looks at himself now, the dark energy within him has strengthed a significant amount. Shards of dark energy poke through his skin.

R: Crystal are you ready?

C: Yes.

R: Then lets get back to the cube and start the process.

*With Calamity and Deadfire*

Calamity holds onto Deadfire as he lays on the floor holding his head in pain.

Df: Its getting to be to much, its here, the cube, the storm king is coming.

Calamity sits there waiting for Midas to pick them up. But the atmosphere changes. She hears footsteps outside and something jumps through the window. Several things to be exact, Rax following closely behind.

R: He has something that I want back.

He snaps his fingers and his minions rush towards Calamity and rip him from her arms. Deadfire cant do anything but lay there as they take him out of the window.

Cal: Hold on there not so fast.

She draws her pistol but Raz hits her with a blast of dark energy and she falls back. Raz lets out a manical laughter and walks away from the ruined farmhouse.

Corruption/ Vi x Male Reader part 2 (Smut)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat