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(A month Later)

*With Raz.*

Raz steps over the bodies of the gaurds gaurding the Zero Point. His corrupted licking their fingers of the blood. He stands in front of the ball of cosmic emergy and opens his arms.

R: Finally, the day has come.

He gestures for Chaos Agent to press the button. Six purple crystals burst out of the ground and its energy shoots into the Zero Point. A purple lightning bolt erupts out of the bottom of the Zero Point and begins the process to form the cube...

*With Y/n*

Across the island you feel the burst of energy erupt from the Zero Point. As soon as the first wave of energy hits you, you feel different. Energized, silver lightning jumps off of your arms and legs. You look in confusion and see the branches of energy swirling from the Zero Point.

Y/n: That can't be good...

You look up and see helicopters flying towards the area. You can tell its Midas' forces, you go to follow them but your stopped by the slash of a claw in front of your face. It misses by mere inches and you jump back. Your moving much faster from what you can tell and you look at your attacker. A woman in a robotic cat like suit, and Drift beside her.

L: I dont wanna scratch such a beautiful face, but you can come in easily, or hard.

You pull your metal mask about you mouth and nose and ready your dagger.

Y/n: Im sorry but I can't do that.

D: Kid just do it easily, no need to get hurt.

Y/n: The same could be said for you.

You jump forward at them both and Drift looks suprised by your burst of speed. Your fist connects with his face and he tumbles backwards.

D: Lynx get him from behind!

You feel the wind from her claws about to hit you and you dodge. Her arm is still outstretched and you grab it flipping her onto her back. She lands with a thud and lets out a groan of pain.

It begins to lightly drizzle and the two of them stand back up ready to attack once more. Drift looks scared almost, Lynxs' offence has slipped you can tell.

They run back toward you jump over them both dodging their punches toward you. You kick them both in the back, not entirely knocking them down but stumbling them.

Y/n: Stop please! I have things to take care of.

D: Vi is worried sick about you Y/n! How can you not care!

Y/n: I do care just none of you understand what Im doing!

You rush forward a punch Lynx in the face the armor shatters and she flies back, knocked out cold. Drift taps his earpiece while look at Lynxs' knocked out body.

D: Come in we need back-

The words never leave his mouth as you jump forward and kick him in the stomach. You give a pained look behind the mask as he wheezes for air. He attempts to crawl away, rain drips down your face and you grab his foot dragging him back.

His eyes look delirious to the world around him. You pull his mask off criushing it with your hand.

Y/n: I told you to stay away, and look what happened. Im doing this to protect my freinds, to keep them out of harm's way. Im sorry Drift.

You walk away from the two of them beaten and bruised. Your now offically a villian in somes eyes, but this all for the good of the island.

*With Calamity and Deadeye*

They come across the two knocked out laying drenched in the rain.

*With Vi*

She got the radio for backup from Drift and Lynx. She rushes to the area just outside of Weeping. She sees them both laying unconcious, beaten to the ground.

V: Oh my god... Theres no way he did this...

Catalyst follows closely behind her and runs over to her fathers unconscious body. Vi checks both of their pulses, still alive but knocked out. Two other teams arrive and stare in shock seeing some of the islands best fighters knocked out by one person.

Si: This kid is more serious then I thought.

Rox: He is a rift master after all.

Drifts eyes flutter open and he raises up looking around. Catalyst hugs him and he stands up, a bit wobbly, but fine.

D: He beat us.

Cat: How dad?

D: He used some new power he was almost to fast for my eyes to track.

V: Think it could do with the Zero Point?

D: I don't know but Lynx needs medical attention pronto.

Rox: Agreed.

They call in for a medical chopper and sit in silence.

Corruption/ Vi x Male Reader part 2 (Smut)Where stories live. Discover now