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Zg: Zero Gaurd

You sit down at a river and take a big handful of water and drink it. You look at your reflection and notice your silver eyes. You take a deep breath and the silver lightning and eyes go away. You feel genuinely sorry for Drift and Lynx, but you did what was needed. You step back from the water and begin walking once more.

*With Raz*

Raz: Turn up the intensity!

Ca: I dont know if that's a good idea...

Raz: Do it!

Chaos Agent pulls a lever and a another spike of energy rocks the building. A purple fog coats the area and the cube is beginning to manifest. The storm kings power beginning to break through.

Gunshots suddenly fill the vicinity and helicopters buzz over head...

*Back with Y/n*

That last spike of energy was huge. You felt it cut through your body like a hot knife in butter. You decide to step in if things get any worse, it's still raining but far from its original downpour. Your stomach growls, and your eyes heavy.

You havent had a good sleep since Fades attack and haven't ate in 4 days. But you must continue going. You hope you can patch things up with everyone and hope they understand your reasoning. But you know it will take awhile.

Your stomach growls soon become unbearable and you decide to hunt. You activate that new found power so you can hunt quickly and track off into the woods.

*At TheZero Points Facility*

The gaurds knees shake as he walks into facility, wires hang from the ceilings, his commrades have scratch and bite wounds all over. Gunshots riddle the walls and floors. He walks down the hall and is suddenly hit by something hard.

Raz: I want you to go out there and tell your gaurds to stay away.

Raz stands over the gaurd and lifts him up by the scruff of his collar and the man runs back to the direction he came from. Raz walks back to the control room and Chaos Agent is still analyzing charts.

Raz: How much longer?

Ca: About 3 hours until full formation. But first I need to go get something.

He walks out of the control room and into the hallway. He goes into a file room and starts fiddling around with the servers and files.

Ca: Just you wait Midas I will get you back.

He hears rustling behind him and the door slams shut. Chaos Agent looks around and sees a silhouette. With silver blazing eyes staring at him. It attacks him and Chaos Agent retaliated as he gets gifted out of the building and into an open feild.

Ca: What are you!?

Chaos Agent stares at the man in tattered black clothing. His silver eyes still blaze with the fury of a thousand suns. He starts to back away from his attacker but he follows.

A dagger comes out of a holster and he runs toward him. Chaos Agent can't keep up with his speed. He looks in shock as his ooze chamber gets a hole peirces in it. He gets gifted back to the facility just in front Raz just as he falls into a ball of goop.

Raz: Chaos!

He looks at the pool of black goop laying on the floor and back at the Zero Point.

Raz: I'll have to do it myself then.

*With Vi*

M: Vi I'm sorry but we have no choice. The orders are now to kill him.

V: Please sir I-

M: Vi he took out of my two best agents!

Vi slams her hand down on his desk. She can't explain why even after his betrayal, she still loves him and doesn't want anything to happen to him. She grits her teeth and sweeps everything off of Midas' desk.

V: If you kill him, I will kill you. Got that?

She turns back around pushing past everyone in the room. She slams the door shut and walks down the hall to the Workshop. She opens the door and Jules turns around suprised by the sudden visitor.

J: What are you doing?

Vi puts her arrows down on the work bench, along with her bow.

V: I need you to make my bow have stun charges. Also something that goes on my body that gives it better electricity flow.

J: Sure I have just the thing for the electricity flow, I'll have to work on stun arrows though. What time frame you looking to get done?

V: About a day.

J: Consider it done.

Vi leaves her bow and white and pink jacket behind to be worked on. Shes hears running behind her and Rox and Catalyst tap on her shoulder.

Cat: Hey Vi we was wondering if you'd want to go out with us tonight.

Vi stops to ponders the question and for once she decides to go.

V: Sure, what time?

Cat: 9 sound good?

V: Sure, I'll see you there.

*With Y/n*

You walks in front of the base. Two gaurds see you and aim their guns at you but by the time their guns are trained on you your already behind them. Knocking them out with ease.

You throw Chaos Agents broken and dismantled equiqment on the ground, the black goop still dripping off of it. "Now. For Fade..'

Corruption/ Vi x Male Reader part 2 (Smut)Where stories live. Discover now