A break in the Peace.

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Y/n: Your name
V: Vi
M: Midas
D: Drift
S: Swift
C: Catalyst
R: Rox
Cal: Calamity
Cr: Crystal
Sk: Storm King
J: Jules
Df: Deadfire

(There will be more characters added over time these are just the critical ones. Now on to the actual story.)

(P.s. Read The scroll another story I made so you get context on what happened.)


The Base is in a frenzy. People yelling at each other, gaurds running through the place, forensic scientists examining rooms. Midas is obviously pissed, you can tell by his facial expression. You sit across from him and he puts the paperwork down momentarily.

M: What time did it happen last night?

Y/n: About 11 p.m.

M: What exactly happened?

Y/n: I went to the base looking for you to tell you something and I heard an explosion. I went to it and Crystal and a dude with white hair and glyphs all over his body attacked me.

Midas runs his hands through his hair and lets out a sigh of frustration. He puts the paperwork in his desk and the door opens, one of the gaurds walk in and Midas pounds his desk with his fist.

M: Get the hell out Im talking with Y/n!

The desk turns golden under his hand and the gaurd quickly leaves the room. He looks at you and hands you some paperwork.

M: Go home, get you some rest. Try to fill out this paperwork as to what happened for me ok?

Y/n: Ok thanks Midas.

You can feel the frustration radiating off of Midas in waves, hes trying to keep his cool. You walk out of the office and look down the hall at the scorched walls. Its taped off with caution tape and kept off limits.

You leavevthe base and rift up on to the cliff side. You look at the waves of the sea below you and groan.

Y/n: I just deafeted an unstoppable threat 4 months ago.

You the wind whistles in your ear and the trees rustle. The stars twinkle in the night sky and you decide to head back home.

You charge up a huge rift and Rift close to Lucky Meadow. The cherry trees pedals fall to the ground making a blanket. You head up to the path to the top of the hill and see you and Vi's japenese style house. The lights are on and you enter the house.

Y/n: Hey Vi I'm home!

She's in the kitchen cooking, younwalk in and Vi stands at the stove hands on her hip. She gives you an angry look and you think to yourself, 'Oh shit Im in trouble.'

V: Where was you? You've been gone since last night.


: The Base got attacked last night...

V: Wait what how?

Y/n: That Crystal girl unsealed the scroll, got corrupted by something, and let out a demon. And the unsealing caused a huge explosion.

V: Oh damn that doesn't sound good... Is Midas and Jules ok?

You shake your head yes and takes off your gear setting it on the couch. She hugs you from behind and snuggles her head into your shoulder.

V: I love you Y/n.

Y/n: I love you to.

You head to bed and on the way there you look outside in the backyard. You planted the cherry blossom seed Kondor handed you and its just now sprouting into a tiny tree.

You open the bedroom door and lay down in bed. Vi joins you in bed and presses agianst you. You quickly fall asleep, exhausted after the day you had.


On a hill near their house a pair of two stands watching.

Cal: So this were that Rift Master lives eh..

Calamity takes her hat off her head and let's the wind whip through it. Deadfire on the other hand is on edge.

Cal: You sure the cube is on the island Deadfire?

Df: Im not sure I know it is. Midas and his people are keeping it under wraps. I can feel the energy of it on the wind. It wicked, evil, ....vile.

Deadfire had been affected by the cube, Calamity knew this.

Cal: Do what does the cube do to you exactly when it corrupts you?

Df: It takes your insecurities, your flaws, all your negative traits and twists you into a monster. Sure I overcame its affects but it left a mental scar on me.

Deadfires head rings and he falls to the ground in pain. He sees visions, the corruption spreading, an army of corrupted islanders. Calamity gets down on her knees and shakes him back to reality.

Cal: Hey baby you ok?

Df: Yeah just seeing crap agian.

Calamity pecks him on the cheek on the lips and helps him up.

Cal: Lets head home for the night ok babe? We'll investigate more tommorow.

Df: Ok.

The leave the house unknown that they were being watched from the house to.

Corruption/ Vi x Male Reader part 2 (Smut)Where stories live. Discover now