Tracking Down Leads.

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Y/n: Where is he!?

You roar the words in the corrupted persons face you drag them by the foot out of their hiding place and it tries to scratch at you but you take its hand clean off. It lets out a scream of pain and you look it dead in the eyes.

The other corrupted lay dead or severely injured, you discovered one of theor outposts just days before and decided to storm it. You know none of them will tell you anything so you just drive your dagger through the corrupted.

You put your blade back in its place and walks out of the hideout. The wind is wild today and it blows your tattered and torn clothing. You felt tired after some not very restful nights but you cant let it bother you. Or the fact you havent had a good meal in days.

You sit down on the stump of a tree and pull your mask down. Sweat runs down your face and your hair, which is now starting to grow past your eyes. You try to clear your mind for a few minutes but it keeps wondering back to one person. Vi.

You miss her and her warm smile, her touch, and scent. Several times during your temporary leave youve questioned going back but you remember why your doing this. You stand back up and brush your clothes off, knowing now where outpost to is at you head there.

* With Vi*

In a fury of kicks and punches the punching bag breaks from the ceiling. Vi falls to the floor in exhaustion and runs a towel over her forehead. Her training has been hard vut the results are proving great. Increased speed, senses, lightning power. Shes ready for when she sees Y/n next and can hopefully knock some sense into him.

She hasnt lost faith in him yet, hes taken down more villians in his time away from everyone than with them. She feels guilty, almost like she was weighing him down. Keeping him from being the strongest version of himself.

She steps out of the gym and the ground momentarily rumbles. She stops and looks around and spots an eerie, purple fog near the middle of the island. Her phome rings and she picks up.

M: We got news on Y/n's location!

V: Where!

M: Ome of our surveillance teams last seen him outside of Holly Hedges near the ocean.

V: What about the Zero Point?

M: I have plenty of soilders manned there now I have special forces to help us fight Y/n.

V: I'll be there soon.

She hangs up the phone and starts quickly running to the area.

*With Y/n*

You step towards him. He doesnt hear you yet but you have your sights on him. You accidentally step on a peice of driftwood and he spins around. He look at you up and down confused, he cant tell who you are.

F: Can I help you?

You finally came up with a name for your new ability. Rift speed. You activate it and jump towards him. He steps to the side but you grab his arm and throw him to the ground. He struggles agianst your grip and you look him dead in the eyes.

Y/n: You made the wrong choices. Now you must pay.

F: Wait... Kid?

Y/n: Not so soft now am I?

You throw him up in the air and jump kicking him back into the ground. He stands up and brushes himself off. He stomps on the ground and a series of sharp purple crystals erupt out of the ground towards you. You evade them but Fade takes the opportunity to drive his fist into your stomach. You fly backwards a few feet and get a mouthful of sand.

F: You are certainly more powerful now but can you hope to beat me. If I kill you here I can kill every pathetic person on this island.

The words on pure evil that are coming out of your former masters mouth ignites a flame of fury within you. You get back up on your feet, and with blinding flash of speed jump towards him. Driving your fist into his mouth, taking the time while hes shocked to pimples him in the stomach with a display of kicks.

He cant breath, he gasps for air as blood pours out of his busted lip. You stand over your master, who you once though of as a freind, a father figure. Purples crystals begin to tear through his skin and his breathing becomes more ragged. He begins to morph and change into the shape of a monster.

F: I will not let you interfere

He's putting on this display to intimidate you, but you know you've got him beat. Lightning erupts from his body all over, you power up your own rift lighning and you both jump towards each other.

Just as your fists are about to collide you move to the side and put a massive amount of energy into your arm. You drive it into his back and you launch your self and him into the ground. You watch as he slips into a near comatose state and you fall to your knees.

*With Vi*

She feels the pulse of energy, 'That had to be him!' Midas personal helicopter flies overhead as well as the other ones that carry backup incase things get out of hand. She speeds up eager to get there and is shocked by what she sees.

Y/n stands over Fade, Y/n's cloths are torn exposing nearly his whole chest. Fade lays on the ground, he looks dead. Vi looks at her exhausted boyfreind, he looks like he hasnt slept in days. But she still knows what she must do. She puts her pulse arrow on the bow and hesitates before launching it at him. It hits him straight in the back and knocks him straight on his face.

Everyone gets out of the helicopter and stands beside Midas weapons drawn. Vi knows just from his current power and state of determination. The fight was just about to begin...

Corruption/ Vi x Male Reader part 2 (Smut)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang