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*With Raz*

R: I'm gonna kill him, im gonna kill that Rift Master!

He runs his hands through his hair and grips it, close to ripping it out. He hears a screech some of his corrupted are in a fight with each other. He stands up and walks over to them, grabbing each of their arms and swiftly snapping them.


He sits back down and silently panics. 'Hes gonna kill me if I fail, I can't fail." He tries to remember life before he became a servent for the Storm King. But its all a blur in his memory, only remembering being a petite theif, stealing everywhere he could. But he longed for power and it lead him to this place.

He had done everything asked of him, but so far the Storm King wasnt satisfied with his work. 'I am going to make you proud.'

* With Y/n and Vi.*

Vi was snuggled agianst you, fast asleep, softly snoring. You look up at the ceiling fan spinning in circles and listen to its mechanical whirring. You move Vi's arm off of you and stand up. You silently put your gear back on and walk out the door.

'Guess I can go on a walk, clear my head.' You walk through the grassy meadows and brush the flowers and grass with your fingers. The cherry blossom trees at Lucky Meadows are in full bloom and they sway with the wind.

Your hear grass rustling behind you and a familiar voice.

R: What are you doing out here without your pretty little lady.

You take your sword out and spin around quickly to look at him. He looks more human now, with tan skin and black hair.

R: I am going to give you one more chance Rift Master. Back the hell off, Ive dedicated my life to the Storm. And you wont change that now.

Y/n: Your crazy Raz, this is a cult if anything.

R: It is not a cult, I had a revelation and relaized things needed correction. This corruption is not a bad thing, its helps people, makes them a servant to a greater cause.

Y/n: Your a maniac.

R: Well then by the logic you and your former clan is maniacs to...

You look at him with shock, how does he know of your clans slaugher? How is he familiar of the Oni clan at all?

R: Thats right, look at those glyphs on that sword of yours, there the same glyphs that I harness. Your whole clan was at one time was followers of the Storm. I domt want to fight you, Vi, Fade, Drift anyone. I just simply want control. And if you continue to get in my way. I will bring great pain to you.

He steps into a portal and the wind sweeps it away. You look at the sword in your hands and tremble with anger. You grit your teeth and throw it to the ground.

Y/n: What else did my clan lie about!

You tear your mask off and stomp it into the ground, it breaks into tiny pieces and you scream into the night air. You grab your hair and fall to your knees.

Fa: Son what's wrong...

You look up at the ghostly figure of your father and stand up. You walk through the white figure and wave it away with your hand. Your mask, robe and sword kicked into the river.

Y/n: I am now longer, Y/n of the Oni clan. I will forge my own path without my clans heritage and past weighing me down...

(Sorry for taking so long to get this out, been busy. Also sorry for the short chapter. This was to set up and huge character development for Y/n. Btw next chapter will be smut.)

Corruption/ Vi x Male Reader part 2 (Smut)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora