Chapter Two: Old Antics

Start from the beginning

In the midst of our laugh fest, the doorbell rang. "I got it," I said, springing up. I opened the door and my jaw almost slipped of my face. Not only was Prod standing there, grinning, but so was Princeton, Ray Ray, and Roc. A smile spread across my face from ear to ear. "No hi?" Prince said after a few seconds of me steadily staring at them. I laughed and hugged Princeton first. He was working on a little mustache, I noticed. My face was engulfed in his hair. "Prince! I missed you so much. I see you still have the afro after all this time." He playfully pushed me, "Duh! 23 years and still working on it." That's when I turned around to see Ray's jubilant face. I hugged him tight, basically lifting him off the ground. "Aye, put me down mayne!" He said, in a shriek. It seemed like his voice stayed the same. I sighed and laughed, "Oh Ray, nothing's changed." That's when I turned to Roc. I stood there for a few seconds, simply smiling. He did the same. I finally ran up to him and hugged him, while he swung me around. When he put me down, he kissed me on my forehead. "I missed you, best friend." As I smiled, I could feel the stares of the other three boys on my back, so I let go of Roc, to avoid awkwardness.

Briana came out of the apartment while scrolling on her iPhone. "Hey Amb, who was at the doo-" She froze mid-sentence at the sight of the boys. They all grinned welcomely. "Amber, the boys. The boys are standing right in front of me," Bri said, still frozen. We all laughed, and Prince came walking up to her. "This must be the Briana Amber was telling me about. Pleasure to meet you." He got on one knee and kissed her on the hand, sending Bri into a frenzy of soft squeals. "You were always my favorite," she said. I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully; they were both such flirts.

Ray looked down at his watch, then back at the group. "We gonna get this show on the road or what? We got the limo waiting outside," he said. Bri and I turned to face him. "Limo?!" We said in unison. Roc chuckled, "Um, yeah! Is there any other way to do it? You know we do it big, Amber." I laughed softly, "Then what are we waiting for? Lets head out!" And with that, the six of us headed out of my apartment building and into the warm evening. Prod opened the limo door, and Briana and I went in first. It wasn't until I was comfy inside the limo that I saw her. There was another girl sitting across from Bri and I. She was light skinned, thick, and had long, dark honey blonde hair. She sat there with her arms crossed, and her legs crossed, as if she was annoyed. Prod was the last one in the limo, and when he finally got settled and the limo pulled away, she finally spoke. "What took you so long?" She asked, staring directly had him. Prod looked a little startled. "Oh, we were just catching up. You know we haven't seen each other in years. Sorry." The girl flipped her hair and looked down at her phone. "Mhmm, whatever," she said, in a nonchalant tone. Prod looked at her, then at me, and then at her again. "Oh, Amber!" He exclaimed, "I forgot to introduce you guys. Kya, this is one of my best friends, Amber." I waved at Kya with a genuine smile. "And Amb," Prod continued, "This is my girlfriend, Kya."

Girlfriend. Girlfriend?! The same word kept replaying in my mind. Girlfriend? I thought she was just a close family friend or a cousin or something! Not a girlfriend. So my accusations of Prod's feelings toward me were obviously false... "Amb, you okay?" Briana said, shaking me. "Yeah, I'm fine," I lied, "Just lost my train of thought." I was far from fine. I looked over at Kya, and she shot me a smile, and a fake one at that. I looked over to Prod, "I didn't know you had a girlfriend." He shrugged, "Things happen a little fast if you're on the road." Kya shot him a look, "What's that supposed to mean?" He put his hands up in defense. "What? All I said was that things happen fast." She turned her head again and looked back at her phone, with no further word.

At that moment, the limo driver opened the sliding window. "We're here guys," he mentioned. We got out the car, and walked through the celebrity entrance of Madison Square Garden, to avoid being rushed by fans. Once inside and past security, Prince suggested we spilt up. "Go get your seats, girls. We'll text you when The OMG Girlz are performing, and you can come backstage with us to chill. Just walk straight up this long hallway, and make a right. Your seats are right there." Bri, Kya and I nodded. I hugged the boys goodbye, as did Briana. Kya hugged Roc, Ray and Prince, but kissed Prod. It kinda boiled my blood; seeing the guy I still had feelings for kiss another girl without a care in the world. But, if he was my boyfriend, I'd kiss him without a care in the world, too.

The girls and I walked in the direction which Prince showed us. "I can see why Prod liked you, Amber. I love your style," Kya said to me, even though she was looking straight ahead. I looked down at my outfit, and smiled at her. "Thanks," I said. Even though she complimented me, I still got this intimidating vibe from her. I just brushed it off my shoulder. When we arrived to the box, I almost jumped out of my skin. Jamaya and Laurielle were there. "Amber!" Jamaya said with the upmost excitement. She basically pounced on me. I hugged her so tight, I haven't seen her since graduation... Of high school. I teared up in her embrace. "I missed you so freaking much, Jamaya." That's when I turned to Laurielle. I hugged her just as tight. I didn't even know she would be in New York. "What brings you to the East Coast, Laurie?" She grinned, "I'm opening a Vet in The Village! Now we're all together!" I smiled, and turn to the two additions of the group. "Hey guys, this is my roommate, Briana." Briana waved to the girls happily. "Oh hey girl," Jamaya said casually to Bri. I forgot they new each other for a second. "And this is Kya, Prod's girlfriend."

I hesitated to see that last part. It was still kind of awkward for me. Jamaya and Laurielle froze. They both knew I still had feelings for Prod. Jamaya tried to be hospitable, by reaching her hand out for Kya to shake. "Nice to meet you, Kya," she said formally. Kya looked up at her, and back down at her phone, "Sure." Jamaya withdrew her hand slowly, and raised an eyebrow. "Did she just-" I cut Jamaya off by putting my hands up before she could say anything too crazy. I don't know what was up with Kya, but it was annoying. "So, Amber, how are things between you and Bahja?" Laurielle asked, obviously trying to the subject. I shrugged, "Not even on my mind." Laurie, Jamaya and Briana all knew about the dream already. The only one who didn't know about it was little miss diva. I didn't feel like reliving it again. Bahja's psychotic ass still makes me cringe.

"Guys, I'll be right back. I'm going the bathroom." Bri, Jamaya and Laurielle all nodded. I left the box and slowly walked down the hallway. I was still really bothered about Prodigy and Kya. I know we haven't really been in touch for a while, but he just completely forgot about me and everything we ever had...

"Even though we're gonna be far apart, promise you'll never forget me, okay?"

"Oh, Amber. I could never forget you, it's impossible. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

That scene replayed over and over in my mind. The night of New Years on the porch, saying our goodbyes. Even though this memory was only a figment of my imagination, I thought the feelings stood true. Apparently not.

In the midst of my thought, I bumped into something. I looked up, and no one was there. I turned around and again, no one. I started feeling weird; what did I bump into? Air? I mean, I've tripped over air before, but this was crazy. I turned back around, and Prince was standing there. I did a double take. "Prince, what, how? When did you get here?" He raised an eyebrow, "I've been standing here the whole time." He said it in a tone that made me feel like I was slow. I raised an eyebrow right back at him. "No you weren't. I'm positive." Prince laughed, almost nervously. "Yeah, I was, Amber. You're trippin'." With that he walked past me down the hallway. I stood there for a while, baffled. Something was definitely up with him. Maybe he was eavesdropping on our conversation. No matter, I was going to find out why, because I hate secrets and lies. Prince's suspiciousness reminded me of the first day I met the boys. You know, the day that never actually happened. That's what led to me finding out about the boys being heroes. Heroes... The words echoed in my mind for some reason.

At that moment, the sensation that haunted me in my dream came over me. This is the first time it came since high school. Funny how it came when the crew came back together... What was the reason? I didn't know. Yet. All I knew was that I was going to have to watch my back. At this point, I shouldn't even refer to it as a dream anymore. It's more like a nightmare that's slowly coming back to haunt me.

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