"Aaand ACTION."


"Oh boy lost your words?!"

"Why-y would i? Tell me. We both know the truth, she didn't loves you but me. No she never loves you and never will be. He- i mean she has the most beautiful eyes in the world, that don't have to suffer by looking at you-"


"CUTT Beomgyu darling, Teresa is in this story a 'she'."

"Movie '50 : 50', scene 317 'Fight for her', take 3!"


"HUH BEN TELL ME INTO MY EYES! YOU WAS IT." Ed now throws Ben to the ground and hovers above him, his face still plastered full of angryness.

"Why should i ?"


"I mean your eyes are nothing compared to hi-"


"Movie '50 : 50', scene 327 no- eh 317 yes 'Fight for her', take 19!"


"I hate you for this, have excuses?" Ed leans closer to Ben only to slap him on its left cheek,still hovering above the other male but pinning his both arm to the side.


"Ahem...have excuses?"

"..what, you said something-"


"Umm movie '50 : 50',  scene 317 'Fight for who-?' ah got it 'Fight for her', take...take whatever."


"Both of you now stop!" Soobin, as Steve, tears them apart," What in the world are you doing? We are in public!"

"Steve, where is Teresa?!"

"At the airpot, doesn't she told you?"

Ed shakes his head.

"Run Ed, run as if your life depends on and Ben hear me out..."


"I said , Ben hear me o-"

"I had already eaten!"


"Movie '50 :50' , scene 300 and what?317? i mean hwoa scene 317 'Fight..fight f-for hwoa he-her', take..take Zzzz."


"Steve before i go.", Ed holds Steve by its shoulder,"Does she want to see me anyway? Does..does..does she want no- ugh TEXT!"


"STOP IT NOW!" director Cho and co- director Kim are sitting dumbfounded on their seats, whereby their messy hair and the lose hanging bluse explains it all.

50 : 50 | Taegyu ✔Where stories live. Discover now