"Birthday boy, you want to start the game?" Soobin raises his eyebrow, with a cheeky grimace across his face. He is definetly teasing the younger one. Not that he took responsible for almost all unbelievable things that Beomgyu had to do if he chose dare.

"Why not Choi Soobin, but we have to turn the bottle or do i need to explain the rules?" Beomgyu grins innocently, blinking few times just to provoke the older.

And it works.

But Soobin being Soobin and laughs it off along with Beomgyu. This is how their friendship works, whereby nobody couldn't clearly understand the chemistry between them. It is special.

"Okay let me turn this."

Once the bottle cycled around it's place, the room suddenly remains quite. Too quite.

Although they all love this game,there is nobody who wants to be chosen. The nervousness of being chosen and the excitement of what they have to do rush over them. The speed of the rotating bottle slows down until its lid is directs to


"Ju, which order do you want to take? We have truth or dare." Jeongin pretends to note something on a imaginary piece of paper as he listen carefully, the others hold their stomach, bursting out laughing because of how hilarious he is.

"I'll take truth." Juhee politely answers, playing along with.

"Then umm... ah i got it the classic one. Do you like someone, i mean 'like-like' ?"


The crowd immediatly shoots their eyesballs out as they wait impatiently of any answer.

"Yes, i do 'like-like' someone i think."

Juhee could answers everything but the one she actually gave was really unexpected. Especially for Beomgyu.
People usually keep personal things by themselves otherwise it isn't called a secret without a reason. A secret is not revealed until that secret is entrusted or addressed to a certain someone.

Jeongin freezes for a while, still progressing what Juhee just said.
Juhee looks up only by meeting her friend's different reaction written on their facial expression.

"Let's continue." Sunghoon breaks the awkwardness,"Shall we?"

From each round to round it continues farther. The awkwardness was quickly replaced by unforgetable moments they had to witness.

After Juhee it was Beomgyu who was chosen and as expected he picked a dare to spice the game up. He had to make a phone call prank by dialing a random number and asking about panties on rabbat.

Next one was Hyunjin, who had to tell a truth. Ryujin asked him what he does in front of the mirror when no one is watching. He tried to cover it up by saying that he just admires his beauty but they instead end up watching a 25 minute long record video of Jongin where a Hyunjin is flirting with his reflection. And so go on.

Beomgyu, the boy who was the saddest bean on the planet now laughing his lungs out till his stomach hurts. He almost forget about the terrible happening today's afternoon but he doesn't need to remember either. Evrybody in this room think he deserve happiness, the happiness that only exist whenever he's with his friends.

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