Chapter 28: The Devil's Own

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"I knew you'd come; you can't stay away from me Alexis, you need me. You need your voice." Asmodeus closes in on me.

I try to move, but my body feels restrained. Why can't I move? I seem to be in one of those nightmares, where you fall down and can't rise up, like you have magically put on twenty times your actual weight.

"How are you talking to me in my dreams?" I ask him angrily.

"Dreams? Is that what you think this is?" He grins devilishly.

"Ah...." I clasp my chest in pain. The air seems to be draining out of my lungs. My body shivers as my knees buckle under my weight and I launch onto the grass. I am on my all fours, my head is bowed down, my energy seems to be fading away.

I gasp audibly to suck the oxygen in the air.

Asmodeus simply kneels down before me, he holds my chin and raises my head to level with his.

"That wasn't a dream, neither is this. We are talking to each other in real time." He smirks.

"That.. is not possible... you are in the cage, in hell." I struggle to form my words.

"And, what do you think this place is?" His eyes glint, making a shiver run down my spine.


Third Person (Real World)

"What do you mean 'further'?" Ethan advances towards Rowena.

"She is using the energy from her soul, to power up her abilities. She is astral projecting herself." Rowena answers.

"Astral projection? Can she even do that?" Nick looks from Ethan to Halitus for an explanation, he sounds staggered and amused at the same time.

"I don't know, regardless, it seems like she has done this before." Rowena replies calculatedly.

Halitus stares into the distant, when she answers. "That night! When she fried up the base, she was actually astral projecting! How could I have missed that!" 

"But, where exactly is she projecting herself?" Nick asks the obvious.

"Somewhere far away, somewhere in Hell." Rowena announces the latter in astonishment.

Ethan's eyes widen as he begins to connect the dots in his mind. His pulse quickens when the realization hits him.

"The cage." He utters in the silence.



"That's right." Asmodeus snaps cheerfully. "We are in the cage, well, technically, I am in the cage, you're just an astral projection. Your soul is here, your body is still lying somewhere on earth." He speaks nonchalantly.

My heart thumps blood to my body as the air is exhausted out of my lungs. I squeeze my eyes shut, the shooting pain between my forehead begins to surge quickly. My skull feels like it is being cut by a chainsaw. I hurl further on the ground, until I rest on my elbows.

"You know, out in the real world, I could have put you out of your pain, like that." He snaps his fingers, to emphasize. "But, don't worry, once I get out of this 'Barbie dreamhouse', all the suffering in this world will end. The earth will be redeemed." He states determinedly.

Rage floods in me, by redeem he means kill, I can almost sense his unspeakable incentive. All he wants is power; dominance over the weak. He will destroy everything that shows up in his path, to gain ultimate supremacy.

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