Chapter 6: The Tridents

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No matter how many choices I alter, how many paths I take; I keep coming back to the same place again and again.

It is like a fortress with infinite doors and vacant-unending corridors. The structure might be built from obsidian rock which is still warm. The place is dark and the air is dense with the fragrance of burnt-cheery-firewood; sweet and intimidating. I try opening doors, since, each is different from the other. Yet, all doors lead to the same place.

A giant white room with a tall ceiling and huge medieval tapestries that drapes magnificently on the off-white walls. The ceiling has an architectural coffered design; a priceless glittering-glass chandelier hangs from it. It also had strange pictures on the walls. There were also highly antique-looking pieces of golden furniture around the room — this gave it a very regal look.

And lastly, the golden door; colorful jewels and diamonds were embedded on the surface which sparkled in the bright light. It looks very tempting but I draw back.

There is this unsettling feeling in my heart; like something bad might happen if I unlock it. An intuition so strong that it makes me leave every single time.

After taking thousands of turns and opening hundreds of doors, again, I find myself facing the golden entrance. But this time I hear a voice. A male voice; sweet and velvety, alluring me by taking my name ever so gently.



"Alexis." The voice suddenly turns rough and hoarse.


"Alex." I feel a nudge in my shoulder blade. The second time the nudge almost feels like a hard push. I jerk and wake up. My eyes adjust to the sharp daylight. I blink twice before hearing the sound of a motor car. I sit up in my seat.

How long was I out?

The sugary aroma of pancakes makes my stomach growl. I squirm in my seat to try to silence the rumbling. I glance at the diner from the car window.

"It's 10.00 am. You should have some breakfast before we get back on the road." Ethan says while checking his cell-phone in the driver's seat next to me.

"Good morning to you too." I reply. "Where are we?"

"Wall, South Dakota."

Wow! Celebrating the first day of 18th year in another state.

"Come on." He puts his phone in his pocket and steps out of the car. "Don't forget to put on my jacket."

He gestures to the olive jacket that was wrapped around my torso.


The diner is full. I look around at the busy tables. An old couple eating side by side, one cup of espresso each, studiously bent over their meals. A group of young women in their thirties collapsing with helpless giggles as a stern woman dining alone nearby looks on and frowns. Businessmen in their grey suits lighting up cigars. A family of four; two elementary kids racing to finish their pancakes.

It's usual to see all kinds of people in the suburbs. The noise is too loud. The sound of greasy sizzling bacon is accompanied by its aromatic savor. I don't usually crave for greasy breakfast but the intensity of hunger is too large to care.

I drop onto an empty booth; Ethan takes a seat across me. Come to think of it, this might be the first time I'm seeing him in clear daylight and not in some dim-lit carpark. He has a V-neck dark olive tee. He isn't broad shouldered and hunky like Damion, but rather like a male model; just the right amount of compact built muscles. I stare at his tattoo; I wonder how long it goes. Does it end at his chest or does it continue down to his abs?

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