Chapter eighteen: Healing wounds

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The three figures stood in a calm and sitting position inside the vehicle. Corpse drove, with his eyes focused on the road as his girlfriend stood by his side, cleaning the blood off his forehead while a girl with green eyes sat in the backseat. The ride was silent, words unmanaged to be said, inquiry and anxiety rising at the mere thought of initiating a conversation.They had left Corpse's house after the guy had threatened his father to call the cops on him if he had the idea of following them. Around 10 minutes had passed since the incident, their ride silent from the instant they entered the car.

The silence was too loud. Once again, in the midst of the quiet was when her thoughts were the noisiest. Corpse was hurt, because of her. His head was bleeding, as a result of her recklessness. She couldn't help but feel the sense of regret and worry invade her. She had no business being there, if only she had tried to comprehend Corpse better.

Emily was his attorney.

She felt dumb, her jealousy had blinded her. His distant self was his way of copying with stress, not his way of avoiding her.

Mac wanted to punch herself.

The girl turned her head to the side, looking at the guy beside her. His gaze remained focused before him, eyes tired and his cheek stained red. She wanted to talk to him, to say she was sorry, to thank him for being there, to complain about his disappearance.

She took a deep breath before exhaling, "Thank you", her voice coming out as a mumble.

The phrase was loud enough for the boy to listen, which resulted in a side glance that didn't last longer than a second, but contained all of his silence and distancing. As his eyes went back into focusing on the street ahead, his neck moved to the side opposite from Mac, creating distance between his bleeding skin and the tissue her fingers were holding against it.

Her hand was left in the air for a split second before she pulled it back down to her lap, doing her best to keep her feelings and tears to herself.

"I did not go there to help you" his neutral voice spoke up, creating an even painful pulse on her chest.

His affirmation made the silence in the car aggrieve as if the comment took away any type of intention of having a conversation.

Mac felt her throat drying out, having the urge to swallow hard and averting her eyes elsewhere.

"Drop me here, i need to go to the office" a femenine voice spoke from the back seat, breaking the silence once more.

Mac saw Corpse shift his sight upwards to the mirror, looking back at Emily, before pulling over and stopping the car.

"Ill see you tomorrow at the trial" Her voice moved in the backseat, flicking the back of his head before stepping out of the vehicle. "And stop being a dick, just explain" she finalized, while closing the door behind her, not managing to see the glare the black haired guy had shot her.

It didn't take long before Corpse started the car once again, continuing their silent ride.

"Stop the car, we need to take care of your wound" Mac managed to pronounce, done with their silent treatment, as well as worried about his bleeding.

"It's fine" he replied easily .

"It's not! Stop being stubborn and stop the fucking car". Her voice came out harsh and strong, as her eyes turned to look at him.

Mac heard him let out a sigh before pulling over to a nearby parking lot, stopping the car as he did. As the brakes fulfilled their mission, Corpse crossed his arms on top of his chest, turning his head to look at her with an emotionless expression.

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