Chapter Seventeen: Truth

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The two males stared at each other. The tension in their surroundings was palpable even from miles away. Mac stood at the left side of her boyfriend, she observed the way his jawline stood rigid, his honey eyes focused on the older man's frame and his fist remained wrapped around the glass. His father's face mimicked his'. It was evident they were family, their features were similar enough, honey eyes, black hair, tanned skin, yet, this once, the older'drunken gaze was quite different form Corpse's tense one, it was more than enough to make her get some distance from the situation.

Then, her attention shifted to the girl behind the boy she loved. Big green dull eyes, light long wavy hair, small pale face, accompanied by elongated curled lashes, bright red tint in her lips while her body was covered with a black long sleeve blazer, white cotton shirt, and a pair of equally dark jeans, which only accentuated her long legs,adorned with small black heels.

She was beautiful.

It only managed to create more doubts in her head.

Was that Emily?

Why were they in his house?

Was he planning on having sex with her there?

The mere thought of the action made her heart ache, the overwhelming feeling, the hurt and the disappointment filled her body once again. The thought of him being with another girl, made her tremble, but she wouldn't let it show.

Her rumble of thoughts were interrupted as a masculine voice spoke diagonally to her.

"You only appear when one of your toys asks for you, you don't even talk to your own father anymore." the older one commented, making the three sets of eyes snap in his direction.

"I have nothing to talk to you about," the coldness in Corpse's voice unconsciously made her tense up. She knew how cold he could get, but she had never seen him interact with his father. At all. To say it took her by surprise, was understandable.

"Then you have no business being at my house" the man practically spat, as he took the beer bottle away from his son's grasp and back to his side.

"Legally, it's mine just as it is yours" Corpse replied, in the most monotone voice Mac had ever heard. "I have every right to be in my house"

" You ungrateful piece of shit" His father pronounced, venom in his voice.

Corpse took a step forward, raising his chin with confidence, even though his father was significantly smaller in height, the new attitude sure made Corpse look even bigger.Mac saw the way his brown eyes darkened, some sort of hatred, anger, disappointment and rage danced in his pupils.

"For what exactly do I need to be grateful for?" Corpse started, each word coming out with more hatred each time. "Letting mom die? Prohibiting me from being happy? Getting too drunk to even care about your child? Almost breaking a bottle on my girlfriend? Getting my brother framed?"


Her heart skipped a beat.

But that wasnt the point in his speech. 

Corpse took another step forward and with his superior attitude, placed his hands on the other man's shoulders before pushing him backwards, making him stumble with a nearby table.

"Hmm? I definitely should be grateful for your existence" Corpse finished with a sarcastic tone before giving his back to his sperm donor and walking towards the door, where the girls awated, looking wide eyed at the occurrences unfolding before them.

"Lets go" his monotone voice resonated, as he passed through the frame, not sparing a glance to either of the girls.

With a million questions and doubts, about to turn away from the house, Mac saw a figure slowly rise up from inside the house who then started sprinting towards the guy.

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