KH2!Axel x ORG!Reader ~ Meet Again

241 7 1



WORDS: 1685

[minor swearing]

[Y/N] refers to your ORG name.

- recommended to listen to the OST above as you read -

REQUESTED BY: I've received quite a few Axel requests so I'll leave this as a general oneshot.


2nd POV
Just where was he? You look around the back alley, wondering where your spikey-haired friend had gone to after many hours. Even though he was given a mini assignment, there has been no sign of him since then. Out of impatience, you pinch the bridge of your nose as you refrain from yelling for him. "Maybe he went to the usual spot? I'm sure trying to get Roxas to remember everything has taken a toll on his taste buds for ice cream." You murmur and think of other alternatives. "Probably."

You sigh, unable to come up with other solutions or whereabouts for his disappearance. It was most likely he'd pop around the usual spot on the clock tower, so that's where you opted to go next. You place on your hood and form a corridor, allowing yourself to succumb into the abyss as you're temporarily immobile throughout the transition. You still could never get used to travelling through the use of Darkness, so you had always attempted to traverse in the traditional way. However, this was an exception. After a few seconds, you're at your destination.

As expected, you couldn't find anyone on the usual ledge eating ice cream. You weren't expecting anyone to even be here, but you wanted to try. The sunset remained the same, you realised, and you still remember what Axel had said when he acted like your local 'know-it-all'-- as referred to by Roxas. You lightly laugh at the memory. "Red is the one that travels the farthest." You quietly quote, and sit on the ledge. 

"And who's the next kid quoting me?" You jolt in your seat at the sudden voice. It hadn't even been a minute since you had sat down!

"E-excuse me?" You whisk your head around to observe the 'intruder'. "One, I'm not a kid, thank you very much. Two, where the hell have you been?!" Axel, in his full glory, stands a few distances beside you like nothing has happened in the past two hours. No disappearance, no mission, and all he does is merely shrug. 

"Not going to be talking to someone who won't show their face to me." The latter of his response reminds you of your hood. Sighing, you reluctantly grit out.

"Fine." You flip off your hood and limply relax your neck at him to observe his next movements. Axel walks around you and sits on his usual spot on the ledge; always on the right, you guessed, and you heave yourself back up. "So, anything happen?" You ask. Once again, he shrugs. 

"Nah. Just.. wanted some time to myself." Your raise your eyebrows. It was obvious he was trying to be vague with his answers, so you didn't want to pry. 

"Oh, I see. I'll leave you be then." You stand to leave.

"Wait, don't." Axel suddenly latches onto your gloved hand. Due to the reaction being unexpected of him, there was a momentary silence between the two of you that lingered in the air. He still hesitates to draw back his hand even after realising his spontaneous actions. So, he ignores it. "Stay." You look down at him in surprise-- yet without any second thoughts, you return to your spot on the ledge beside him. You're still reminded of the warmth emitting through his gloved palms, and soon enough, you begin to heat up at the thought. 

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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