358/2!Xigbar x ORG!Reader ~ Concluded Rivalry

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WORDS: 805

[Minor Swearing]

Set during 358/2 days, but it's a custom scenario.
"[Y/N]" will refer to your ORG name in this oneshot. 

REQUESTED BY: Deathfae26


2nd POV
"Honestly, I still wonder why Lord Xemnas decided to pair me up with your annoying ass." You mutter to the man in front of you. 

"Aw, don't be like that, Poppet! Maybe because the man saw potential in the two of us working together." Xigbar says, proceeding to rest an arm on your shoulder but you merely throw it off. 

The two of you were never exactly on good terms when it came it each others' presence. The only things you guys had in common was that both of your weapons were similar in style. While Xigbar had arrowguns, you had a crossbow. You had an immense distaste for the male; resenting him, while he tried to be closer than what you would only hope to be. 

As far away as possible.

You didn't know why you resented the man. Perhaps it was because of that smug attitude of his? His general personality? How he kept babying you? Possibly even the large height differences between the two of you? Even if that was one of the general factors for your resentment, you knew it wasn't the main reason. You just didn't know what it was. Or so you did and you wanted to be in denial. But every time you saw Xigbar, you just wanted to stay as far away from him as possible. Maybe you'd find out soon enough.

"[Y/N], Xigbar. Stop stalling and get to work." Member ranked 7th, Saix, states as he sees the two of you not going onto your duties. You merely glare at the Luna Diviner since you didn't WANT to, while Xigbar grins devilishly when he leans against you even more. 

"All right, all right. We're going!" You see the man beside you give out a peace sign as Darkness engulfs your bodies. The two of you are then transported into another world. A world you presumed would be somewhere Xigbar can toy around in like he always does in his past missions. 

You definitely weren't snooping on him. He just seemed like that type of person. 

"Where did you take us?" You ask, making sure it's not obvious that you're properly acknowledging him. You feel the Nobody move, but you couldn't tell what he trying to say through the blind gestures of his. Gradually, the black corridor of Darkness dissipates and you could finally see where you are. You furrow your brows, clueless to this new world as its foreign environment only contributed to your confusion. "Hey. Answer me." You turn to face your partner, only to find him gone. 

"..." Your eyes glare at the empty spot beside you, but you shrug it off and observe the scenery you're in. That's when you realise that you're, once again, in Agrabah. For the 4th time. Consecutive, nonetheless. Xigbar merely transported you in an area with a small pool of water and a few patches of greenery to trick you. You clench your fists, walking towards the small lake out of sheer boredom. 

"Hello there, Poppet." Your eyes widen when you meet the same golden hues in the pool, but you keep your ground as you raise your head to glare at the man standing upside down above you. He quirks an eyebrow, vanishing to reappear upright, this time.
"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" Xigbar chuckles deeply, the sound vibrating off his chest as he awaited your reaction. You try to compose yourself from the man's childish antics, wondering how much longer you can last just to stay by his side. 


"Are you sure?"


"Then why won't you talk to me?"

"Because you're pissing me off."

Xigbar chuckles. "As if! We both know you love me." The Sharpshooter says, lightly pinching your cheek before vanishing once again, his laugh echoing in the distance. The comment of his unsettled you- and you knew why. He did too, but he already concluded that it wasn't possible without even waiting for your response. You slowly turn to where the last of his voice resonated, and grip onto the fabric of your coat. 

Your lips quiver as your fingers shake slightly, but you try to not let it get to your head when you realise you're alone again. Was that why he brought you here? To realise these certain 'feelings' weren't true? You had second thoughts regarding that statement. 

After all, you did fall for him in the end. 


Shorter than usual, but I found this interesting to write. I've never written Xigbar, so it was cool to try and interpret his personality and choice of dialogue. 

Thanks for requesting!
Please point out any grammatical errors <3

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