ReM!Yozora x Reader ~ See You

544 12 2



WORDS: 4033

[Implied headcanons]

 heavily inspired off a tumblr oneshot (I highly recommend reading it. It's called Sweet Dreams by luvleekaotix-imagines)

- recommended to listen to the OST above as you read -

REQUESTED BY: Anime123miku


2nd POV
Ever since Sora disappeared, you've begin to get these really strange visions, or dreams as you would call it. They wouldn't last very long so you've never brought it up to your friends for a while. You only believed it would be a hindrance to them. Nevertheless, you also believed it would help the others find Sora. So, you told your closest friend- in other words, Riku. 

To your surprise, he also had these weird dreams, but they weren't exactly similar to yours. From his description, he was surrounded by tall buildings while you were surrounded by a sky that would often vary at times. The Restoration Committee in Radiant Garden could use this intel, Riku had said. You didn't oppose the comment but something in the back of your mind wished it would remain confidential. You didn't know why. Of course you wanted the return of Sora so you never said anything and accepted it.  

"I'm really tired so I'll be off now. See you guys tomorrow." 

"Thanks for your help, [Y/N]!" 

You bid your farewell to the Restoration Committee and Riku, waving as you walked off towards your home in Radiant Garden. It was small, but cosy. You didn't mind the silence that would  accompany you as you continued to live in your small abode. Sometimes you would even announce your arrival when you open the front doors. Of course, when you realised you lived alone, you would immediately dismiss the call by further continuing to talk to yourself. It was just how you coped with the loneliness - even if you didn't particularly mind it in the first place. 

Opening your bedroom door, you switch your gaze towards the window. It was getting late, you noted, looking down at your alarm clock. Investigating clues must've taken a toll on your body since you decided to carelessly throw off your jacket before plopping yourself onto your soft mattress. "I'm so tired..." You murmured, shutting your eyes for a while. 

Merely seconds later you force yourself to stay awake, not wanting to fall asleep so soon. "I'm kind of hungry, but I have no energy to do anything..." You deadpan. Your mind was in slight debate until inevitably, you opted to go back to sleep. Though, in a position far more comfortable this time.

It took a few seconds - maybe minutes, until you found yourself in the world of endlessness once again. The horizon still seemed limitless, as if it could go on and on for miles. There just seemed no end to it. The sky, you observed. It appeared a beautiful orange - like a sunset. You found yourself gaping silently at the scene before you, admiring the beauty of this unknown world despite appearing numerous times. You didn't want this vision to disappear since you felt even more at peace than in the real world. Even more than in your bed. 

You observe the reflective floor that was neither wet or cold and sigh, the vision only dispersing a moment later as you're thrown into a dark abyss. This wasn't new to you. Sometimes these visions would only last a few minutes or seconds before it inevitably shuts down in your mind. 

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