KH3!Riku x Reader ~ Intertwined

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|| FLUFF ||


WORDS: 1274



2nd POV
It wasn't far from the day the Keyblade War would happen. All the Guardians of Light have been found and reunited, and now they're getting ready the day before the war would take place. You were resting on Destiny Islands - alongside your close friends Sora, Riku and Kairi. You didn't know if it would be the last time you'd be on these very same islands. What harm could it do to revisit them? 

You found yourself discreetly admiring Riku from afar. He was alone, resting on the shore as he appeared to look peaceful despite how lonesome he seemed. You didn't want to disrupt his peace, so you opted to watch the sunset, instead. There was a quiet conversation between Sora and Kairi - you could tell, but you didn't know what they were talking about. So instead you swing your feet back and forth in the shallow waters on the dock you were sitting on, breathing in the air when a soft breeze flies by. 

How much time do you have left? How much time do you have before the Keyblade War would begin on the following day? You asked yourself this question. These moments always felt so short-lived - the times when you weren't constantly at war. Or on missions. You wanted to cherish these moments forever and for as long as you can. 

You sigh, leaning forward to gaze down at your feet swaying beneath the waters. A shimmering shell manages to catch your eye, and so you proceeded to fold the hem of your pants above your knees before jumping down. Causing a soft 'splash', you carefully lift the blue shell above the waters, admiring the swivelled surface that seemed to illuminate in the sun. You tilt the object and shake it, making an effort to remove the sand that was caught in the gaping hole. 

"It... kind of reminds me of Riku?" You softly murmur to yourself upon closer inspection. The shell's surface seemed to twinkle at that, almost surprising you but you presumed it was just the light. You decided it was best to return to the dock, and so you attempted to lift yourself up on your own. 

It didn't work. 

You huff, gently setting aside the shell on the padded port before continuing to struggle to heave yourself over the edge. 

"Need some help?" A familiar gloved hand reaches out to you as you look up, meeting turquoise hues of the boy you grew exceedingly fond of. Heat rises to your cheeks as you nod, looking away and grasping onto the boy's hand. Riku smiles at the acceptance and tightens his grip on you, hoisting you up with ease. Even through his gloves, there was still warmth. He chuckles upon observing your flushed appearance. 

"Thanks." You mutter, flustered from the boy. You didn't know what else to say so you turned away to sit on the edge of the dock. 

"Don't mention it..-" Riku tilts his head, confused with your weird behaviour. Perhaps you were just embarrassed? He dismisses the thought, continuing to hide a certain fruit behind his back with his other hand. "What were you doing in the water?" He suddenly asks.

Upon hearing the question, you gasp. "Oh!" You quickly lift the shell and rise it to his line of sight. "I found this shell buried in the sand so I went to grab it. It's really beautiful." You beam up at him. Riku responds with his own smile and sits next to you. He found it adorable that you could find happiness in such small things. He opens his hand - which took you a while to understand until you realised he wanted to see it. You hastily lend him the small object for him to observe, shifting backwards slightly.

The twinkle in his eyes upon inspecting the shell made your heart warm. You were glad he was being happy again. You give him a soft smile, suddenly able to muster up the courage to say your next words. 

"Not going to lie. The shell reminds me of you." His eyes widen and sometimes you wondered why and how you could say things like this without a second thought. Riku smirks, giving you a side-glance that made you fall for him all over again.  

"So you're saying I look beautiful?" You didn't even flinch.

"Yep. I'm not even ashamed to admit it." He laughs at your statement, surprised but definitely not disappointed you've developed such boldness. You soon join him, laughing. The sound of your laughter seemed like music to his ears. He wished to see you like this forever on times where you would let yourself loose more often. You were never the most social person out of the group to begin with. 

The laughter soon dies down, and suddenly the both of you find yourselves flustered from the situation. A silence follows as you don't know what to say to break the silence - until Riku did.

"Here." You tilt your head, watching as the taller male reveals a paopu fruit out of nowhere. He lifts one point of the fruit towards your mouth while he positions the opposite side to his. Your shoulders fall limp when your mind gradually sinks in what Riku was implying. 

"W-wait so you.." 

"Our destinies will become intertwined, and so we will remain a part of each others' lives no matter what."  You could recall, during the past year of when you were still on Destiny Islands. He's said this before, when you both made a promise to share the Paopu fruit together. You didn't think he'd keep it until now. He seemed completely serious but you were still shocked to realise he still shared the same feelings. "[Y/N]. I like you, and I want to remain a part of your life no matter what. Until the very end."

You laugh lightly, your gaping mouth soon forming a smile as you say, "I'm glad you still feel the same way, Riku." You gently bite down on the fruit at the same time Riku does, the sweetness of the fruit making its way onto your lips as you savour the taste. You've never actually tried it - for obvious reasons, and so you'd cherish this moment.

"Always have, [Y/N]. Ever since we made that promise." Riku says after pulling away when you do, placing down the fruit. You look up at him, proceeding to lift your arm to wipe off the residue from the fruit until his hand suddenly stops you. His gaze locks onto yours, and now you're transfixed within his mesmerising hues. You couldn't notice the distance between the two of you closing until you felt it. 

His lips.

You tilt your head for a more comfortable angle, still nervous doing such an intimate action. However, Riku's affirmation helps you feel more loose in the gesture as he pulls you closer to his body, almost as if you'd disappear if he let go. Your eyes soon close, feeling him nip at your lips ever so slightly in an attempt to deepen the kiss. It felt so ethereal to be in his arms, the feel of his hands caressing your face and the fact he's so gentle as well. He sighs lightly, pulling away to kiss the corners of your lips. 

"I love you, [Y/N]."

"I love you, too."

Meanwhile, Sora and Kairi observe from afar, giggling to themselves when they realise the both of you have finally decided to express your feelings. 


Sorry for any grammatical errors!

Thanks for reading ^^

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