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Hi! Just in case I haven't said so yet, none of the characters except a few belong to me. They belong to Rick Riordan. It's called a fan fiction, you know.

This was all going too well. I'll make Hermes and Aphrodite mortal, so they would be another 2 people for Annabeth and Percy. They'll also be more vulnerable. If nothing is going to stop me, then my plan is all played out. We're coming for you, Leo and Nico. Watch out.

Piper's pov:

I have Hermes and Aphrodite along with the rest of the demigods in camp.

"Now, Hermes, Aphrodite, please, give up immortality." Their eyes glazed over.

"I, Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, give up immortality, and choose to become mortal."

"I, Hermes, god of shopkeepers and merchants, travelers and transporters of goods, and thieves and tricksters, give up immortality and choose to become mortal." They both said in a monotone voice. They dropped on their knees nearly right away. Even though Aphrodite was my mother, I still needed to do this. Eventually I might let them all go. But it'll be too late. I want Percy to myself. But... I just want to find happiness, which I had before, again. This brings it, no matter how lunatic like it sounds and looks like. I sighed.

"Percy?" His eyes were tinted pink, but not colored. He still has free will. I. Need. To. Fasten. The. Process!

"Come with me." I said, he followed with no hesitation, then...

"You too, Annabeth, Hermes and Aphrodite" I said, lacing every word with charm speak. The gods might be harder to get. Maybe, I'll switch the four of them. Anyways. We went to the Aphrodite cabin. I saw a camera at the inside of the door, it was tiny. Barely visible. Nico and Thalia have made their move. Let me show them what I can do.

"Annabeth, you're in charge of Hermes. Show him what we do here. Oh, Hermes?" He looked horrified, he has free will, full control. Well, he won't be charmed when kissing. Annabeth already had the lipstick and perfume on. Perfect.

"Stay here, and don't resist." He looked even more horrified. He even paled, drastically. Annabeth just smiled sweetly, walked up to him, and like before, just brushed her lips to his. He didn't look disgusted, instead, still horrified. Then Annabeth, seeing his hesitation and horrified face, just crashed her lips to his. Hermes' face said Game Over all over. I nearly laughed. As Annabeth was doing that, I saw him relax and melt into the kiss more. He was dazed, I think I heard both of them moan, at one time. I chuckled from the inside. I looked at Percy, who was just staring at them, smiling a little.

"Percy?" He right away looked at me, then his eyes slowly slid to my lips. I smirked, he was just so attracted to me. I just smiled, and turned to Hermes and Annabeth,

"Keep going, Hermes, Annabeth. You can't resist each other. Hermes, you must use women around you. Do your best." I said. I needed Hermes to be in a Percy like state, then I could blow pink dust, which would make them naturally think the way they are acting at the moment. Hermes just needed to go into that state. I summoned pink dust. I blew it in their faces, they gasped, just as I smirked. When they opened their eyes, the white part had tinted into a purple side. Just a little. Their state was in listening and obeying me, so now I won't need charm speak on them.

"Aphrodite, swear on the river Styx not to say anything about this." She swore. Then I sent her to Olympus to ask for immortality. I just changed my mind on her kissing Percy. I rubbed some pink dust on my lips and neck. That's where Percy usually kisses me. And the effect is quick.

"Percy, kiss me." I said, he walked to me, and kissed me right on the lips. I just wanted to feel him lose all control of his past self. The pink dust made you much less aware, become more dazed, and it tasted sweetish too. When it took action, you would usually feel the kiss turn more passionate.

Percy was kissing my lips, biting them gently, making me moan. The pink dust got into his mouth, obviously. This is good, it's going to make less control. I will add it to the lipstick, and have the girls wear it. They'll re add it every day, and the boys will fall.

He was moaning, soon, after a minute, I felt his lips become more soft onto mine, along with the kiss. It was just as passionate, but less forceful and hard. It was more loving. I knew it was working. We both were moaning, a lot, I could hear Hermes' and Annabeth's moaning too. Once I pulled away a little, I looked into his now opening eyes. The white part was also tinted purple. Perfect. He had kissed my lips and neck. So he literally got the pink dust in his mouth. Now, you may be wondering why I didn't do it before, well, because I just didn't want to do it in parts. I wanted all of the main people in one place .The pink dust only makes a person permanent for who they are right now, and who ever breathes it in. I giggled, and summoned the rest of the seven, plus Reyna, the Stolls, Katie, Genesis and a few others. I did the same, made them kiss and think like I want them to, and blew some pink dust to them. I wonder what Thalia and Nico are thinking right now. I have a plan how to lure Thalia and Nico in. I'll just need Percy, he'll stop them, just like Annabeth did...

Thank you, for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Byee!

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