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Sorry for not updating for a while... Enjoy!

Percy's pov:

Piper was using the power of charm speak too much. I think she took it too far. No. She took it too far. I'm not sure what she did to Annabeth. Or the rest, but I knew it had to stop. I sneaked out to the Hades cabin. Nico shouldn't be under control yet. I knocked. Nico opened the door, and grinned.

"Hey Perce! You notice anything strange around?" Thalia was behind him, holding a 'How to survive in the wild, no materials' book. In Latin.

"*sigh* Piper is using her charm speak on everyone. She broke Annabeth and I apart." Thalia opened her mouth in shock, and let out a gasp.

"She would never..." She whispered under her breath.

"We should go. To Olympus. Get help." They nodded. We went to pack up.

We met up at Thalia's pine tree. We walked to the city and to the Empire state building.

"600th floor key." Thalia said, holding out her hand.

"No such thing kiddo." He answered still looking at the newspaper. Thalia snapped her fingers and mouthed 'mist'. Ok. She'll threaten him.

"Give. Me. The. Key. Idiot." He looked at us and raised an eyebrow. Then shook his head and kept on reading. I took out riptide, uncapped it and put the flat side of it on the newspaper. Nico smirked, and Thalia just glared at him.

"You heard her. Need to know who we are? You know, out parents, the big three, won't be happy knowing that you wouldn't allow us in." He paled, "Well, there's a hunter of Artemis, and you know what she's like with boys, a son of Hades -- no mercy, and a son of Poseidon -- he doesn't like those who mess with his family. Got that?" He nodded, shivered and paled at the same time. Gave us the keys and we walked off. Thalia flicked her wrist as the mist went away from the situation. After a long, boring ride to Olympus, we got there. We walked into the throne room. Everyone was there. Everyone looked at us.

"And what are you three, doing here?" Zeus thundered, and roared. Same thing...

"We wanted to say that Piper is charm speaking everyone. Breaking their fatal flaws. She's -- I don't know why, but she's controlling everyone!" Aphrodite looked at me in disgust, so did most of the gods. Poseidon just looked confused.

"How DARE you go against my daughter! She brought evidence that YOU'RE the traitors! In fact, for the disrespect toward her, I'll make sure you change a little... For a week." She snickered, as you could literally see a light bolb appear over her head. Uh oh. Thalia paled. Significantly. Artemis just facepalmed. Zeus nodded.

"Yes. We will punish you. And I have a good idea. All of us will add something to your punishment. Starting from me." Zeus boomed, "You will not be able to cross the borders of camp half blood. For a week. That's the length of the punishment."

"You will become the opposite gender, and have weird thoughts! Except Thalia... Whom... Starting from tomorrow!" Aphrodite screamed. Thalia paled.

"You will keep losing some of your memory, and get it back, you'll get all the memories back after a week. Except for a few... Maybe?" She smirked and looked at Zeus, who was smiling a little, and winked at her.

"You will kiss at least a few other men, and flirt. A lot." Hephaestus said. Did I mention that those things don't have to be in their domain? Well. They can.

"You will look different, beautiful, more, but different." Ares said, carelessly.

"You will be able to get pregnant. And won't be part of the hunters" Artemis. She just kicked Thalia out... And it was probably to Thalia more than the rest.

"You won't make wise decisions in any friend-romantic relationship." Athena said.

"You won't think straight after 3 minutes of being with another boy." Dionysus?! He's officially my least favorite god.

"You'll be staying in your own cabin, and obey the rest." Hestia said. She literally said that we'll listen to Piper for a week?! After everything I did to her?!

"You'll lose your powers, for the 1 week." Poseidon said. At least he didn't disown me.

"You'll not feel at home?" Hermes said, well, it sounded more like a question.

"You will eat cereal for breakfast." Demeter said. Typical.

"You will think like a girl. A girl which would be a little like your side, but not too much." Apollo said.

Zeus laughed in glee, they all made a ball of light, shot it to Zeus' one, who shot it to us. I saw everything in slow motion. The ball, made of pure energy, splitting into 3 parts. I saw as it shot right into where my heart is. It did with Thalia and Nico too. My body engulfed in pain, as my body began to glow in the energy color as we floated in the air, half a meter up. My energy color was sea green, Thalia's was lightning blue, and Nico's was black, white and grey with a hint of brown. I moaned in pain, I heard Thalia's and Nico's screams of pain. Then the energy light faded and we fell to the floor. I was so tired... Zeus snapped his fingers and we flashed to my cabin. I fell right on bed. The darkness swallowed me whole...

Thank you! I bet you didn't see that coming :P.

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