Camila was ready to snap back to her, ignoring the calm and sweet demeanor of the lady, but Shawn softly wrapped his hand around her wrist and told her, with only the look on his face, that it was time to stop. He then faced the lady. «We're sorry for the trouble. We'll figure things out. Thank you for your help». He pulled Camila toward the exit, but the old receptionist called them one last time.

«I know you're not looking forward to continue this marriage, but I have one last thing for you» She reached down the countertop and offered them a small, decorated book. «I may be a hopeless romantic, but I think one day, when you'll look back, you'll be able to laugh about this story».

Shawn opened the book, Camila peering behind his shoulders, and saw the photos of their wedding night. He scanned them quickly, he was sensing the stare of the two women on him and felt a little too exposed, but he promised to himself to take a close look at the pics later in the day. He cleared his throat and thanked the lady, and finally he left the venue with his wife.

On the way back to their hotel they were both silent. Lost inside their thoughts, they were silently battling in their heads what they should do. Without the filter provided by the buzz, they were back to their usual conviction about the status of their relationship. They were convinced they were just friends and for this simple reason they refused to give a chance at their new liaison. But this didn't change the reality that they were now married, and they needed to decide what to do with that information.

Once back in their room, it was time to talk things out and, who knows how, they had drawn their own conclusions. «Look, we have two options here, and ironically enough I don't like none of them» Camila said. «We can get a divorce, or we can stay together»

Shawn pinched the bridge of his nose. God he felt like he was inside the most absurd, frustrating yet wonderful dream. «Yeah, I figured». With a big sigh he collected the courage to say what he wanted to say. «I don't know that we should stay together, but the thing is I can't afford a divorce right now. I have student loans to pay, the rent of my apartment, and still have to provide for myself. I don't have money for a lawyer and for all the paperwork that a divorce requires».

«Well, and I don't want to be a divorcee at 23! This could prepare the ground for a life with multiple marriages and meaningless relationships. I don't want to be like my mom! It's like my worst nightmare, I can't let it happen»

Shawn snorted and nudged her shoulder with his own, laughing. «I can totally see you with a long fake fur coat and a brand handbag, sipping mimosas and talking shit about your latest husband»

«Shawn Mendes! Don't push me to talk shit about you, instead» she scolded him playfully.

«So?» he asked more seriously. «What are we going to do?»

«I have no idea» she breathed out. «I know I said I don't want to divorce, but this thing between us isn't going to work. This is not what we signed for when we became friends. It feels... wrong?». To say those words pained her, she didn't like the idea of her and Shawn not being able to make things work for the best. They had always been a perfect duo, nothing had ever stopped them, and the possibility of a wedding ruin their immaculate record was bugging her. Of all things, did it have to be a freaking wedding? Camila felt frustrated.

Shawn, on his part, was conflicted just like her. He agreed with Camila, but her words also stung. Was there no hope at all for them? «Maybe we can compromise». Camila looked at him expectantly, waiting to hear his suggestion. «Maybe we can put things on hold for a moment. Hear me out: we go back home and live like nothing of this happened. In the meanwhile, I try to save some money and we contemplate our options if we eventually decide to end this marriage. This doesn't solve a thing but at least it gives us more time».

«I guess it will do for now». Her troubled look made Shawn's chest clenched.

He pulled her to him and hugged her tightly, kissing the top of her head. «Don't worry Mila, it's not the end of the world, we'll come up with a solution»

«I'm just scared this is going to ruin things for us. I don't want to lose my best friend»

«This is nonsense. You're not going to lose me. You can't get rid of me, babe, it's just a fact, deal with it». Her giggles brought a smile on his face and the clench on his stomach lessened a little, making him fell lighter.

At that point, only time could give them answers. 


A/N I should be studying right now, so I didn't review what I wrote. If you spot any mistake let me know!! 

Also, what do you think of these characters? Is this situation too absurd?  

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