Chapter Forty-seven

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Louis found you in your room, that's where you normally were on a slow day. He would admit that without your company everything felt dull, he felt bad conversing with the lions and laughing when she wasn't there with him. He closed the door behind him quietly in hopes of not waking you up as he walked further into your room and sat on the couch he slept on once. He remembered that night well, you coming in late that night. Louis recalled finding you in the bathroom trying to address a gun wound in your leg, he remembered how worried he was but he didn't want to frighten you even more than you were. Louis looked straight ahead not being about to see past the curtains she had closed in order to take a proper nap. He sunk himself deeper into these memories he had with you. Especially the night you found him on the roof staring down to the ground, he remembered the words you said to him, "hope you don't plan on jumping" was what she said with a cheeky smile.

You turned around in your sleep all before opening your eyes slowly, not seeing much but the faint light leaking in from the ends of the curtains just from that you could see Louis sitting on the couch that was facing the window, you smiled to yourself before sitting up in your bed quietly trying not to startle him. While sitting up and rubbing your eyes a bit you swung your legs off the bed feeling you feet hit the cold floor due to that you grabbed a medium throw over blanket and walked over to the couch. Louis hadn't heard you walk over despite deer being able to hear very well, he must be lost in his own little world you thought. When you'd gotten closer he turned around and saw you there, "I didn't mean to wake you up." Louis whispered to you in a kind tone.

You shook your head smiling, "You didn't." You said sitting down beside him pulling your legs to the side on the couch before resting your head on his shoulder. Louis could see the blanket you had and draped it around your shoulders, you sighed a bit "So, you're really leaving next week?" You asked him in a soft tone as the two of you stared straight ahead with nothing to truly look at.

Louis nodded not really wanting to say the answer out loud, he knew you understood. He felt as if he needed to reassure you so he gently took your hand that was resting in your lap and held it. His fingers were now intertwined with yours and he gave it a small squeeze, "Well, I hope you know I'll miss you." You commented closing your eyes for a moment.

"I'll miss you more." A smile started to spread on his face, that's when he debated asking her to come with him, Louis didn't know how they would make it work there was a high risk he could die and the last thing he wanted was for her to be there and witness it putting her in even more danger. But if things went well in which he really hoped they would the two of them could possibly find a place to stay together, the two of them could find jobs and maybe even she could attend a college and gain a career, they both could if that's what they wanted. The thought was silly and he hadn't even thought it through entirely, he wasn't considering her feelings in that moment so Louis refrained from asking then. All he could do was turn to you and place a gentle kiss on your head.

-end of flashback-

You'd been sitting on the roof for a while now silently recalling the distant memories you had up there, normally you'd come up here to enjoy  the view or have enough quietness to think to yourself, that or you'd come up here with Free or Louis. "You alright?" Upon turning around to see Free standing there with his hands in his pockets and posture aimed slightly back you nodded. Judging by his facial expression he clearly didn't believe you and neither was he wrong, Free he asked closer to where you were sitting which was nearly five feet away from the edge, he sat next to you giving you a nudge. "You've been quiet lately."

You scoffed in a sad way of defending yourself, "I have not, I talk all the time."

"All you talk about is missions and people we need to meet with, shit like that." Free stated pulling a cigarette to his lips which you hardly noticed when you just saw him, "You never talk about yourself anymore or how you feel at all."

You didn't know what to say about that, he was right of course half the time he always was simply because he knew you too well. The two of you sat there in silence as Free looked at you begging for an answer that never came, "You're silence isn't helping-"

"Free," You sighed, "I don't want to talk about this right now."

"Why not? (Y/n) I notice these things for example today you were totally off focus from the mission and it was obvious, somethings bothering you I can tell." Free turned his body to you know resting a hand on your shoulder urging you to look at him in which you did, "Just please tell me, I'm worried about you that's all."

After trying your hardest to avoid Free's gaze you couldn't keep it in longer after seeing the desperate look in his eyes, "I don't think I should do this." you said quietly while looking at Free. With every word you took the more and more your emotions started to build up and son escape all at once, "I don't think I'm cut out for this, I can't focus at all anymore and half the time I hardly know what I'm doing and I just miss him half the time and-"

"Hey," Free tried to say soothingly trying to stop the rambling you were doing, after all the years of friend ship the two of them had Free never once saw her compelling break down in front of him and quite frankly, he wasn't too sure on how to deal with it, "Hey, you're doing a great job. Everyone's loves you." He tried to assure you but all he saw were your tears daring to fall as you desperately tried to hold them back, Free racked his mind of easy to comfort you and all he could think of was pulling you into a tight hug. Maybe too tight of a hug, Free often forgot his own strength and he always tried to be more aware of that when he was around her, "I know you miss him," Once again he tried to think of more ways to comfort you so he just started to awkwardly pat the top of your head, he really was bad at this. "I'm sure he's fine, and I know he misses you too." When he felt your arms around his waist he felt a bit better about himself knowing you accepted his forced hug. "Have you tried calling him at all?"

You shook your head.

"Has he tried calling you?" He asked.

You shook your head again.

Free sighed with a smile on his face now just gently rubbing your head in one direction, "Have you even checked any of your recent calls?" He felt you shake your head again and he chuckled a bit, "Well maybe you should check them sometime."


A/N i lied about proofreading so you see any typos pretend you didn't see them🧍also sorry for short chapter, I JUST NEEDED TO UPDATE IM SRRY

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