chapter two

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The first few days had gone by painfully slow and then they turned into weeks, and now it's been two months. I was still finding many ways to cope with the Chief Lions death and none of them were working, I remember the night he died, all I could do was lay by his body resisting the urge to scream. A few days after that I had him buried in a deep part of the woods surrounding our hideout, I couldn't watch his dead body rot on the floor any longer.

I was sitting in my room that I've had since the day I got here, over the years it's been changed a bit but the same memories stayed. I sat on the large bed looking out the big window, it was the second day of having that deer as boss and nothing had been done. I just guessed that he was adapting to things now, there was still no way that a future Beastar could possibly learn to run a gang.

I was interrupted from my thoughts as there was a knock on the door, "Come in." I said loud enough for who ever it was to hear me. I didn't look as I heard the door opened and continued to look out the window that was slightly covered in light rain drops.

"Dinner's ready." Ibuki said walking further into the room, I looked over at him only for a second to let him know that I acknowledged what he said to me. The lion came in and sat on the bed next me leaving a few inches between us, I still stared out the window. Ibuki did the same, "I have a favor to ask of you." he said with ease.

"And what is that?" I questioned.

Ibuki didn't look at me as he asked me this favor, "You're a human, the only one in fact. I've had the privilege of getting to know you since you were s young girl, I know what you're capable of you're a strong person but you are also a very kind one." He looked over at me at the last part, I did the same. If I was being honest with myself Ibuki actually was the second closest thing to a father figure, to me he just has the fatherly look.

I nodded slightly, "What about it?" I asked quietly.

"The boss," Ibuki began again looking back out the window, all I did was look down at my hands when I heard those words, "as you know he is a deer, which being in a place surrounded by lions can make him uncomfortable and frightened. But if he were to properly meet you maybe he wouldn't be so scared of everyone,"  I sighed a bit the moment I saw where this was going, "I know it might be difficult considering, what-"

I stood up from the bed, "I won't go out of my way to charm him, but I could speak with him."  With that I left the room soon heading the large lions steps behind me as we went into the dining room.


I sat in the same spot I always had sat in, the Chief Lion always wanted me to be close to him mainly so he could keep an eye on me but then again we never really had dinners like this. When Ibuki and I entered the room everyone was already seated eating at whatever had been cooked.

As I was staring down at my food I could feel the deer's eyes on me, I did my best to ignore but eventually I looked over at him. Louis was still looking at me.

He exams the girl closely from her facial features to the way she carried herself, she was very extraordinary merely for the fact that she was a human. Louis slowly began to judge the girl before him, how could someone like her work for a place like this?

Louis looked down at his dinner slowly picking at it and occasionally taking bites of the meat, he didn't want any of these lions to see how little he was eating.

"Do you have something on your mind, boss?" Ibuki questioned Louis who looked over at him with a blank face, in all seriousness Louis did appreciate the lions kindness but simply couldn't trust a carnivore. He was basically forced to be their boss, Louis wouldn't be here if it weren't for the tall lion with glasses before him. Louis sighed looking away for a moment, it was this or death.

"Nothing important." He uttered to the kind lion, Ibuki nodded slightly before looking across the table at (y/n), she didn't look back at him and continued slowly eating her food. The lion cleared his throat to get her attention and Louis picked up on this, paying little attention to them.

I looked up at hearing Ibuki clear his throat, Ibuki had his friendly eyes on me gesturing over to Louis who had the side of his face resting on his knuckles to exam the situation, "What's your name?" I heard the deer's questioning voice, looking over I realized he was speaking to me.

"(Y/n)." I answered with zero emotion running through my face, I could feel Ibuki's eyes slowly leave my direction.

Louis nodded at her reply seeming very amused with this new found conversation, "And what is it you do here?" He asked with a gentle voice.

Giving a small scoff I answered, "I'm just here for whatever the boss needs me for. But I'm mainly the bosses personal driver." I thought back to how I was the Chief Lions second in command, since I have a past with him I was the one he trusted the most, given that he did practically raise me.

"Interesting." Louis asked in a humorous tone, she gave him a small nod, "And how did you come to work here?" he demanded.

Thinking on the question he asked me i realized that a lot of these lions didn't really know my full past and my full history with the Chief Lion, I didn't know how to answer this question because Louis didn't deserve to know.

"Especially considering your status as a human." Louis spoke again, he enjoyed the way she couldn't answer although he couldn't place why. It was simple either you willingly chose to be in this gang or you were forced. By her not answering, Louis could tell that she had a very long story about how she came to be where she was now.

I noticed by the words he just spoke out new boss had grabbed the attention of the lions that surrounded the table, "It doesn't really matter does it? Everyone around this table has a story, what makes you so interested in mine?"

"There's something far more interesting about you apart from obvious reasons," Louis pushed himself back from the table before standing to his full heights, he looked down on (y/n), "And I have yet to find out what it is." with those words spoken Louis excused himself from the table leaving everyone to go about their night.


I woke up early that morning, I was informed the night before that we had things to do today. I dreaded every second of it, I sat in my warm bed looking out the window. Sighing I left my bed getting ready, I wore what I normally would which was a black theory cube jacket with black dress pants. I did my best to quickly brush through my long hair to get rid of tangled and make myself look presentable.

Leaving my room i quickly went to the dinning room which was normally where the gang would meet in order to arrange the seatings and who they would need that day. Upon arriving there everyone was seated by then listening to whatever the lions needed to say, I sat down listening as well.

I felt eyes instantly look my way, I looked over at Louis finding him looking at me again, he gave me a disapproving look. I looked away after he gave me that look continuing to listen to the lions, from the corner of my eye I could still see Louis looking over at me in a way I couldn't really place.

"We're ready when you are boss." Dolph said after nothing had been said in a few seconds, we all stood when Louis turned his back to leave.


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