chapter three

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   We walked out of the hideout silently behind Louis. Ibuki, Free, Dolph, Agata and I were the only ones who were meant to go with Louis. I wasn't given all of the information on where exactly but Ibuki said he would send me directions and that it wasn't in the black market.

Louis was in the front as we were heading down the main stair way to the exit of the building, Ibuki was a little behind him and the last four of us were walking in the back. The moment we reached the door I could see my car and another waiting for us to take them in a drive, Ibuki had asked some of the lions to bring out the cars for us.

"The keys should be in the drivers seat," Ibuki said to me as I got close to the car I would normally drive, I nodded. Now that I was the bosses personal drive meant that Louis would be riding with me to what ever destination we were going to. Ibuki opened the back door for Louis allowing him in my car, Free got into the passenger seat and I sat in the drivers.

Everyone else road with Ibuki, as I was sitting in my car I waited for Ibuki to send me the address of we're I was meant to drive. After a few moments they came through I put on the GPS as I read the destination, Cherryton Academy.


I felt as if I was waiting for Louis in the car for hours but in reality it had only been thirty minutes, "You doing all right?" Free asked breaking the heavy silence in the car.

Looking over at him I nodded slightly, Free was one of the few lions who knew about my past with the Chief lion, "I don't trust him." I finally admitted.

"I don't think he's good for this gang, he's a child." Free told me as he lit a cigarette, recently Free and I had been more open with each other on our thoughts with the new boss, "But then again, I thought the same about you when we first met."

I nodded again, "That's different," I continued to watch the door waiting for the deer to come back out, "he's not cut out for this job. From what I've seen that deer is used to everything being spoon fed to him." I concluded with a heavy sigh, Free nodded in agreement at my statement.

With silence building back up Free handed me the cigarette in which I gladly accepted, not long after that Louis came back out the door. Ibuki met him halfway as they shared a small conversation, the whole time I tried to make out what they were talking about as they drew closer to my car. Louis got back into the car once Ibuki opened the back foot for him, Ibuki came over to my window after shutting the door. I rolled down my window, "We're planning on going to a bar in the black market." he said still having a gentle smile on his face.

"What about him?" I asked gesturing back to Louis who was waiting patiently in the back seat, I could see Louis look at me through the rear view mirror.

"(Y/n), I'm your boss, I'd prefer if you refer to me as such." Louis said looking away from the mirror and back out the window, but I stared at him a bit longer out of spite.

I cleared my throat out of annoyance, "My apologies," I said sarcastically, "What about the boss, then?" I questioned clenching the steering wheel tightly.

Ibuki gave me a knowing look, "He'll be joining us." He said with a smile.

"Are we going to the one we always do?" I asked giving Louis a second look through the mirror, Ibuki gave me a grunt as an answer, "Alright, I'll see you there." with that I rolled up the window and waited for Ibuki to get in his car, then I turned the car back on.

Louis smiled to himself in the back seat of the moving car, she was clearly annoyed with him and his status as he new boss. Louis saw that she clearly didn't know her place as one of his workers and if she kept the attitude up, he wouldn't hesitate to help to put her in that place. He continued to look out the window slowly thinking about how much he truly did despise her, a human should understand the struggles of herbivores and how they need to survive in this world, and yet she proceeds to help this gang in kidnapping and devouring herbivores.

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