Chapter thirty-eight

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I woke up the morning facing Louis's chest his arms wrapped loosely around her torso. It was still early considering the only light was the sun just now rising, I took in a drop breath enjoying being able to finally realize that things will most likely be normal with us again, and that's when I remembered everything that happened the previous night. That's when I didn't dare to look under the covers I couldn't really remember if I put anything back on or not until I only get the slight warmth of my shirt and that was it. By that time I recalled Louis putting on a pair of black boxer briefs before spooning her until she eventually fell asleep.

The started to rise more and yet she continued to watch Louis face finally seeing it somewhat in peace until the sun started to shine in his eyes he made a slight groan in his sleep. When she saw the slightest movement in his eyes signaling that he was awake (y/n) gently closed hers trying to make it seem as if she had yet to wake up. When Louis saw she was still asleep he couldn't help but admire the beauty she contained in that moment, of course whenever he came into contact with her he walkways thought about how beautiful she was but now when she wasn't constantly glaring at someone it made him smile a bit.

(Y/n) struggled not to smile when she felt him gently stroke her cheek all while silently hoping that this action wouldn't wake her from her peaceful sleep however when he eyes opened slowly he knew it did, "Good morning." He greeted in a low yet happy tone she assumed it was only because he'd just woken up only moments ago.

"Good morning." She did quietly all before Louis eventually had to sit up from his comfortable position beside her. She only stayed there longing for the warmth he provided when he was still laying next to her. She then pulled the covers closer to her due to the fact it was normally freezing in the morning. Eventually Louis stood from the bed and started to put back his clothes he had on the previous night knowing he couldn't stay in bed with her all day.

He looked back at her then seeing that she still contained a sleepy look on her face causing Louis to smile at her then, "I have to go, I promised Ibuki we'd talk this morning over breakfast." Louis said walking over to her lacing one knee on the bed and leaning over to place a gentle kiss on her lips, "I'll see you latter, okay?" he said while gently stroking her hair.

"Okay." She said quietly watching him leave the room once more, I turned to my side and stared out the window as the sun started to rise more and more with every second given.


It was shard to think straight the whole day, her mind constantly traveling back to what they did last night. It's okay, his loving voice constantly rang into her head every now and then. Those words made it harder for her to focus on what the wolf was telling her, "Um, (Y/n)?" he asked quietly as if to gain her attention back.

"Hmm?" She asked after realizing she had blanked out for a moment there, "Oh, right sorry. Continue." she asked him once more given this was the second time she blanked out and thought about the previous night.

"He told me that he wouldn't leave," Legosi said sipping on the water in front of him watching as she was downing another glass of whiskey, obviously he never really was one to enjoy any sort of alcohol that much.

She rested her head on her palm studying the wolf absentmindedly, "I doubt that." (Y/n) commented for a moment she would have thought that Louis wouldn't go but then again she knew him a bit better than that, "So, what's going on anyways?" she asked Legosi.

He only gave a questionable look for a moment longer, "He didn't tell you?" Legosi asked her then.

She shook her head in response. Truth was he mentioned a little bit of it but never told her in detail.

"Well at our school there was a student murdered," at this point if Louis trusted her why shouldn't he? "by a carnivore. Recently I've figured out who it was and I plan on fighting him." Legosi said.

(Y/n) tilted her head a bit at his conclusion, "Fight him? Why not turn him into the police?" she asked the wolf with a questionable look written on her features.

"That's what Louis said I should do, but to me turning him into the police seems like he's getting off easy." Legosi admitted as he took another sip from his glass of water.

She only nodded a bit not really knowing what to say in that moment, "So you'd risk your life to bring somewhat justice to someone," (Y/n) stopped then before she decided to lecture him, she really had no room to talk on a matter like this. If anything she probably would have done the same just being allowed to take anger out on someone who hurt you seemed more than enough, so she changed the subject, "where you close to him? The one who was murdered?" (Y/n) asked in a less demanding tone.

He didn't nod or shake his head, "I knew him, I knew him well enough to know that he did not deserve a death like that. Wouldn't you do the same? Say if someone you loved, no matter what type of person they were. Was murdered without any reason, wouldn't you be angry?" Legosi asked the girl across from him with a genuine expression on his face as he saw the lion in her eyes change, from demanding and assertive to hurt and somewhat saddened. At least now he knew that he'd gotten a point somewhat across to her.

I should have done something, "I would be angry." She answered his question, even as she thought about this now she knew it was very well too later to even do anything about it, she was already in love with Louis.


A/N I don't know why this took forever for me to publish🧍

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