Even for someone like me whos closer to him more than anyone, never have received a compliment from him.

This is a sign that we should celebrate!!!

"Shua! Let's eat! Its my treat!" I exclaimed happily which made him flinch because I suddenly shouted thus people started looking at us but none of them recognized us. That's a relief...

I apologized to the people around us then slowly approached Joshua who was only a few inches from me.

I scratched the back of my head then chuckled in an apologetic way. 

It must've shocked him because I don't usually shout because apparently...

I can't really shout loudly.

You can say that I'm weak when it comes to shouting and stuff but I'm confident when I'm singing so I'm good.

Later on, me and shua went inside a random restaurant near us and since we both are lazy, we just entered without knowing what the store's name was.

When we just entered the store, we immediately got surprised by what was right in front of us.


It was two men...



Me and Joshua looked at each other then started blushing because of what we just saw.

We immediately ran out of the store that we thought was a restaurant and looked back only to see that it was a Queer Bar that can be easily known because of the big sign outside the bar


We looked like complete idiots...

I looked back to shua only to see him blushing. 

I looked back to the bar then to shua again and then blushed as well.

What do you expect?! We're both innocent y'know.

Its not like I sometimes imagine me and shua having s*x y'know...


Did I just admit that I really did...???

S.Coups POV

Hello people...

Its been a long time since you went into my POV. 

And you can say that my mind is a mess right now.

Remember the last time you went into my POV?

I admitted that I only interfered because of Dino which I find really odd. 

I knew that I was only stressed because I don't know how to face and tell Jeonghan that Joshua's already in a relationship with Dino.

But that wasn't the case anymore.

Now I don't know why I'm still worrying about their own personal business when I'm clearly not involve in any of it.

Why am I taking part in it only just because Dino's involve?

Its just a hyungs instincts right? To take care of the younger ones?


Its just that right???

There can't be anymore possibilities that there's another reason behind it right??

Its right, right??

Its not possible that I'm having some sort of feelings for Dino right...?

That's right...

I should...calm down.

Sigh. Ever since I thought of that, I somehow couldn't face Dino.

Even though I am worried about him. He seems so...less passionate this past few days.

Probably because of his fight with shua. 

I also think that woozi's involve in their fight since Woozi have been apologizing to shua ever since the next day that I knew of Joshua and Dino's relationship.

Could it be that shua didn't want us to know that his dating Dino that's why he got angry and had a fight with them?

There can be a possibility but that's too shallow for a reason. I've known shua ever since day 1 so I'm sure that it isn't only just because of that.

But never the less, I hope that they make up soon...


On second thought, I hope they don't.

If they are able to make up with each other, then, what will happen to Jeonghan? 

If they make up now, then, there would be a possibility that  Jeonghan might knew of this sooner than later.

And I don't want that too happen because I'm sure that it will hurt him to the point where he'll loose all of the passion that he has for his career.

Even though he had only known of his feelings now, I'm sure that he already had been feeling it towards Joshua for a very long time now.

You couldn't miss it. The way he looks at him, the way he only wants shua's touch. I remember one time that Wonwoo touched his butt on stage because basically, everyone was doing the same so wonu must've thought that he should also do the same and Jeonghan who was close to him a that time was his first victim.

I saw it clearly how he frowned angrily but he didn't let wonu see it. But when Joshua smacked his butt, he smiled and even tried smacking Joshua's butt as well. It was an amusing scene to watch, I even got distracted and forgot some of the choreo.

Never the less, my Jihan ship is slowly progressing even though shua has a boyfriend..

"Coups hyung...is it true that Jeonghan hyung is your boyfriend...?" 


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