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*mature? I'm not sure*

•Ricky owns a boutique with Red
•Nini frequently comes in the store with Ashlynn
•Ash and Red are getting married so Nini has come for a fitting

Nini- Hey Ashlynn could you drop me off at the boutique on your way?

Ashlynn- Sure Neens I was going to meet up with Red we need to go for some wedding things

Nini- OK,lets go

Both go downstairs to Ashlynns car. Nini is sitting in the passenger seat looking outside and Ashlynn is rhythmically tapping her fingers on the wheel.

The finally arrive and go inside seeing Ricky and Big Red talking to each other but when they see us they smile.

Big Red- Hey Ashlynn, Nini

Nini- Hey Red,how are you guys?

Ricky- Good

Ashlynn- You ready Big Red?

Big Red- Yeah let's go Ricky you sure you can help Nini?

Ricky- Yeah of course

Nini- Bye guys

They answer with a bye and Nini and Ricky go at the back of the store for the fitting. Apparently it was Sunday so no one would come except Nini.

Ricky- Just wait here I'll get my tape

Nini- Okay

Ricky goes to his desk and gets his tape.

Nini and Ricky had met one day in the boutique when Nini had come to meet Red for some work. Both didn't talk a lot to each other but they would giving longing looks and the sexual tension was a little too intense with the two.

Ashlynn and Big Red had purposely thought of going out today and finish most of the wedding stuff because they wanted Nini and Ricky to talk or... do some more than talking.

Ricky comes back to Nini and makes her stand so that he can measure her properly for her bridesmaid dress.

Whenever he touched her he felt some sparks and Nini would shiver under his touch. He would purposely touch her more as they both were too close and he didn't know of they would be lucky again to be so close.

Ricky felt his pants tightening up and could see a tent forming because of his close intimate positions.

And Nini had already started tightening her legs close to each other and she could feel something some strange feeling for Ricky.

When he comes to her breast area both of them can feel each others breath on there faces. They hold eye contact the whole time waiting for one of them to do something.

But Nini knew better than doing 'that' in a boutique but nobody would walk in but Nini was having second guesses.

Ricky- *groans* I really want to do things with you Nini

Nini- Things? What kind? *breathless*

Ricky- Why don't I just show you?*smirks and kisses her*

Nini kisses him back and they make out heavily until they had to break as humans need air. But they quickly kissed again but this time more roughly.

Things escalated and here we have two naked bodies kissing each other. Both were so engrossed that they didn't even know that they took out there clothes.

Ricky trailed kisses and bit her neck trailing it till the spot she moaned his name loudly making Ricky smirk against her skin.

Ricky finally sat her on a table standing a little far from Nini and finally starts putting on his condom and then slowing thrusting into Nini making her moan his name loudly.

After they finish they wear there clothes and he properly takes her measurements with a little kiss or two.

Ashlynn- Did you guys have fun?*smirks*

Big Red- I think they have

Ricky- Shut up hoe

Big Red- I think you are the one*laughs*

Nini- So you guys done with your work?

Ashlynn- Changing the topic huh?

Nini- Shut up*blushes*

Ashlynn- We need to leave tho now Nini

Nini- OK

Big Red- I think they need to talk so let's go out*winks at Ricky*

Ricky- So....

Nini- So..

Ricky- That was fun

Nini- *laughs* Yeah it sure was

Ricky- This is getting weird now...what I wanted to say was Nini I like you and I really wanted to get to know you so do you want to go on a date with me?*nervously*

Nini- I would love to Ricky Bowen*smiles*

Ricky- You will?

Nini- Yes you dork*laughs*

Ricky- *laughs*yeah sorry I didn't think you would say yes

Nini- Well I am

Ashlynn- Neens you need to come now *Big Red comes in the store*

Nini- I'll see you later Ricky

Ricky- Yeah bye *Nini Leaves*

Big Red- You look a little different

Ricky- What do you mean?

Big Red- You look a little jacked

Ricky- What?

Big Red- You did do a workout just now with Nini....don't lie now!

Ricky- OK yeah *nervously scratches neck*

Big Red- You both are so cute

Ricky- *freezes*oh fuck

Big Red- You forget to get her number didn't you?

Ricky- Yeah

Big Red- Dont worry buddy I already sent you her number

Ricky- Thanks dude

Big Red- What are friends for?

Ricky- Giving girls numbers when they forget to ask

Big Red- Yup,now let's go to your house and let's watch some movie

Ricky- K but tomorrow i need to make Ninis dress so we need to sleep early

Big Red- Whatever and your already so whipped for her

Ricky- No need to tell me *sighs dreamily*

Ok hope you guys liked it. And um yeah bye<3

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