4-Rini get kicked out of the theatre

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•Lets just pretend that they show HSM in theatres thanks
•Nini and Ricky are not dating yet
•Ricky hates musicals

Nini and Ricky were in 9th grade now and it was the summer break before they go into 10th so they were planning on doing something fun everyday because they knew they won't have time later in the school year.

They have already gone swimming, trekking with Kourtney and Red, picnics and water balloon fights.

Its the last week of summer break and Nini thinks that only they both should go to the movies and watch High School Musical.

Nini loved musicals she loved the way all the actors burst into songs and put there whole heart in the performance.

But Ricky on the other hand hated absolutely hated musicals he didn't understand the logic of them bursting into songs anywhere and everywhere.

But Ricky could never say no to Ninis adorable pouty face even without that he would never say no to her.

So Ricky bought tickets for them both as he wanted to be a 'gentleman' and got the tickets for the next day at 6 in the afternoon so both could be ready on time and they wouldn't need to get up early.

The next day Nini got up early as she was really excited for the movie as she had seen many advertisements of it. She got dressed in a blank tank top and blue jeans she tied her hair in a high pony and put her white converse on and went downstairs to pass the time.

Ricky on the other hand woke up exactly an hour before they had to leave at 5 mostly because Mike woke him up. He woke a shirt,black jeans and a sweatshirt because he already knew Nini would forget her jacket and he could have an excuse to give it to her. Hopefully.

Ricky went downstairs and ran to Ninis house because he knew Nini loves to buy popcorn and watch the previews they show before the movie starts.

Ricky- *knocks on the door* Hey Neens

Nini- Hi Ricky you ready?

Ricky- I guess*sighs heavily*

Nini- *chuckles* it's not that bad

Ricky- Lets hope

Momma C- Have fun kids

Nini- Okay momma bye

Momma C- Bye kids*they leave*

They walk to the popcorn stand and buy a large one for Nini and a small for Ricky because she made it clear that she won't share her popcorn. After that they went and sat in there seats.

The lights dim and the movie starts when Nini already knew that Ricky would start groaning next to her.

Nini- What happened to you now?

Ricky- So it's the whole nerd and basketball player shit?*raises eyebrow*

Nini- Yes now shut up*glares at him*

The scene where Troy and his dad are playing comes up

Ricky- I won't lie playing is better than parties*shrugs*

Nini- Seriously Ricky shut up

Ricky- What I'm not- wait he's a kid? He looks like a teenager *confused*

Nini- Omg Rick just see

Ricky- Okay okay sorry ..... wait she got a fucking book to a party? A new years eves party? The fuck?

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