8-Who's dying?

315 10 17

Nini opened her eyes and saw that her legs and hands were tied to a chair and she was in a room with a light bulb over her head.

She looked around the room and saw her husband, Mike and her moms grunting in pain.

Nini- Where are we?

Ricky- Thank god your awake,some guy kidnapped us and brought us here

Nini- Who?

Ricky- Didn't you hear me I just told 'some guy' *looks at her weirdly*

Nini- Sorry

Momma C- Could you both stop fighting for like five minutes?

Ricky and Nini- Sorry

The door opens and they see a guy coming and sitting on the chair in front of them with a sinister smile on his face eyeing all of them.

Mike- Who are you?

The man- You don't recognise me?*laughs*

Nini- Its dark here obviously I can't*rolls my eyes*

The man- Do you have a death wish, lady?

Nini- No but who the fuck are you?

The man switches on the light so that they could his face more clearly

Ricky- EJ? What? This doesn't make any sense*shakes *

Ej- Why? Don't you know what you did to me?

Momma C- OK so it's obviously between you both so why are we here?

EJ- Because you all need to suffer

Mike- Huh? Is something wrong with your head or something?

EJ- Obviously not*laughs cynically*

Momma D- So what are you going to do to us?

EJ- Good question, guys come in

Three guys with masks come in. One has a speaker,another has an box.

Nini- Whats happening?

EJ- We are gonna play a game

Ricky- Which?*raises an eyebrow*

EJ- Well if you give me a chance to explain only then I can tell *huffs*

Nini- Honey, please shut up

Ricky- OK babe*eyes soften*

EJ- How sweet,the two lovebirds*sarcastically coos*

Momma C- The game?*looks at him*

EJ- Right! So the guy will start the music and you guys have to pass the box to the other person near you until the music stops and the box is in your hand....

Nini- So like the game where we pass the parcel?

EJ- *rolls his eyes*yes but with a twist

Mike- Whats the twist?

EJ- The person who has the box will be shot dead*nonchalantly*

Ricky- Ej no please,leave Nini*cries*

EJ- Well we'll just have to be careful,right?

Nini- Its OK babe*smiles softly*

Ricky- I love you*smiles*

Nini- I love you too,even of one of us is about to die right now

Ricky- *chuckles* yeah

The other adults just look at each other lovingly as they don't know who'll die and who'll survive.

Momma D- Wait,where's your wife? Does she know what your doing?

EJ- Upstairs*shrugs* she doesn't know about you guys

Momma C- Huh, okay

EJ- Okay,lets start the game*rubs his palms together*

The man gives the box to Ricky and tells the other guy to start the music,the music starts and Ricky passes the box to Nini and she passes it to Mike and the continue.

They continue till the guy stops the music. Everyone sees that the box is in Mike's hand.

Mike is sweating,his hands are shaking and his face is white

EJ- Well if it isn't Ricky's dad? You ready old man?*laughs*

Mike- If I'm saving others than of course

Ricky- Dad,no*crying*

Nini- Mike*sobs*

EJ loads his gun and makes his men stand beside him,Ricky is soothing his wife while glaring at EJ.

Momma C and D are shocked seeing there favourite son loosing there brain's and getting ready to shoot Mike.

When EJ was about to shoot the door busts open and he sees his wife with a shocked expression.

Gina- EJ! What the fuck are you doing?*wide eyed*

EJ- Gina,what are you doing here,go upstairs you and the baby need rest

Gina- *rolls her eyes*it's your fault I'm pregnant,idiot

EJ- I know hunny,you've told me plenty of times *sighs*

Gina- Now what your gonna do is ho with these officers*police officers come in*

EJ- Did you seriously call the cops on me?

His wife looks at him with the 'are you serious' look and nods

The cops arrest the guys and EJ,Mike falls on his knees as he doesn't believe he's alive.

Nini- Your pregnant?*shocked*

Gina- I just saved you a simple 'thank you' would be enough

Ricky- *chuckles*Thank you,Gina

Gina- No problem, now I need some food. You guys can come up*waddles away*

I need to stop making such weird one shots*laughs* but will I? No. Whatever enjoy it

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