"I'm fine. Just leave me alone." I feel more tears coming and I can't help but slap her hand away from me. I run out of the bathroom and down the hall. "Stop it stop it stop it." Memories from that night flood my memeories. I feel panicked and overwhelmed. "God damn it." I stop in the hallway and lean against a wall. My breathing felt heavy and I crying. I shake my head as I slide down the wall. "Stop it... stop crying. Stop it stop it.." I sob and sit on the floor. You're so weak. what's wrong with you? No wonder Micha just took you so easily...You deserve to feel like that. So weak and helpless right Madison? Poor deaf, weak, bitchy, annoying Madison...

-Bakugo's POV-

"LEAVE ME ALONE DUMBASSES GOD DAMN IT!" I storm away from the group annoyed. Sometime they just piss me off so god damn much. I walk down the halls and hear whimpering around the corner. "Fucking... stop it you dumbass..." I hear someone and quirk an eyebrow. I walk the corner and see Madison sitting on the floor, she was sobbing holding her chest with a hand. "Stop it.." She sobs shaking her head. "H-hey idiot." I run next to her and she stares at me.

"Hey hello? Are you ok?" I ask and takes staggered breaths. "Hey listen it's ok ready..." I help guide her breath and she breaths slowly in and out slowly calming down. "What happened princess?" I smirk at her and she stares at me. "Leave me alone Bakugo. I don't need your help, I don't need you. I don't need anyone." She says and I hold her hand. "Come on I know that, Just talk to me." I say and she sniffles. 

"I'm so weak...I can't do anything. I feel like I'm dying." She says and I pull her onto my lap. "You're just having a panic attack." I say and rock her lightly. "Talk to me what happened?" I ask and she closes her eyes. "When I was 11...I shot a man in the shoulder." She sobs and puts her head on my shoulder. "Micha.. she'd told me to. I didn't want to, I didn't know what I was doing. I just want to please her, I wanted her to like me. She said she loved me. I let her touch me... She touched me everywhere... She said she loved me..." She sobs on my shoulder and I hold her. 

"I was good girl for her... It was a treat. Why didn't I like it." She cries and I brush her hair from her face. "You were fucking molested that's why." I say and she shakes her head. "I just wanted het to love me..." She cries and I hold her close to me. "You were hurt, it's not ok." I say and she sniffles. I look down at her face. Her eyes were slightly red and puffy, her cheeks were red and just the tip of her nose. her lip in a light pout, I hate how cute she looks like this, she's adorable even when she cries! 

"She said she loved me..." She cries and I rock her body. "She molested you. Thats not love..." I say and she closes her eyes. "I'm sorry Madison.." I say and she nods taking a breath. "You're not weak. You're the strongest quirkiness bitch I know. Stronger than most of the idiots I know actually." I say and she chuckles. "Thank you Bakugo.. I'm sorry you had to see me like this.." She says with a small smile looking up at me. 

"It's alright. I'm sorry that happened to you" I say and she takes a breath. "I'm ok.." she says calming down finally. "Maybe... you should talk to someone... not just about this just everything I mean. You've been through a lot." I say and she shrugs. "I don't like talking to people. I don't need too. I'm a strong, independent women. I've been through it before, I can do it again with out anyone." She smiles determined but I just frown. I hear the school bell ring and she ohs. 

"We should go to class. thank you again." She says as we stand up. "yeah totally.." I blush looking at her and she smiles at me. We walk to class and show up just a minute late. "Bakugo! You are late!" Ilda yells as soon as I walk in the door. "It's fine kung fu he was with me." Madison says walking in behind me. "Calm your tits." She says and closes the door. "Are you ok!" Mic grabs her face examining her. "You were crying? Why were you crying? Who hurt you? I'LL KILL EM!" he says and she laughs slapping his hands away. 

"I'm fine Jesus mic!" She giggles at him and he frowns. "What happened?" He asks and she shakes her head. "I'm Fine seriously. It's nothing." She giggles at him and I roll my eyes. "Oh H-hey Bakugo." Ururaka says as I sit down. "hey?" I ask and she blushes. "I-is everything ok with Madison?" She asks and I nod. "yeah she's fine." I say and nods. "You guys are getting close huh?" She chuckles and I shrug. "not really." I say and she smiles. "Oh ok yeah cool.." She looks down at her desk and I shrug. I look at Madison as she giggles at Present Mic. 

"See?" She flashes him a big smile and he aww's. "You're adorable!!" he hugs her and spins her around and she laugh. "Ok enough lovey Dovey shit. teach your class." she giggles and leans against the wall. "Ok ok." He laughs and looks to all of us. She smiles at me softly and waves a little. I chuckle and look down at the desk. Fucking dumbass, I honestly didn't think she had a soft side like that, I didn't think she was capable of crying like that. Maybe only privately, I did catch her all alone in the hallway if I hadn't been there then she would have kept going on till she work through it herself... God damn this girl.

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