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"Roronoa!!" Smoker yelled after was save by uninterested Zoro. Juvia who was just standing and helping the others from almost drowning was surprise to hear Smoker. "Why did you save my life!?" Smoker asked.

Zoro look at Smoker who glares back at him and  sighed. "Look Im not doing it because I like to, it's because he wants to" said pointing at the pass out Luffy.

Juvia smiled at the thought, when smoker gave a one last glare before standing up. 'Somehow, Juvia felt like everything will turns out fine...' she thought.

"We  need to go in Alubarna!" Usopp and Luffy yelled as Juvia gave  her brother a  confuse look. "Right you didn't know" Nami exclaim before telling her that their next destination will be in Alubarna.

Then finally, Luffy notice Smoker and give a fighting stance. "You want to fight!? Bring  it on!" Juvia gave her brother a deadpanned  look.

"Really Lu?" Then Luffy remember that he was almost killed by smoker but brush it off. Usopp tried to beg but everyone was just waiting for smoker to somehow use his devil fruit on them and intended to kill them when suddenly, he sighed.

"I should.. but you save my life" is what he said. "..." Everyone was speechless and was surprise with the sudden turns of evets. Juvia gave a grin and bowed at smoker. "Thank you, smoker san"

Smoker for a bit was stunned at seeing his idol when he was still a child. He never  expected to be given a life long chance to see her, especially that she's not THANKING him...

Smoker somehow turned pale. Juvia was confuse before her confusion was cut off by him once more. "Go"

"This is the only time Im letting you off, Strawhat. Got it?" He stenly said. The others finally let out a run when they notice that marines are running towards them. "What the heck?"

Juvia laugh in delight.

'What the heck indeed~'

Before she could completely lose track on Smoker, following everyone running towards Alubarna. Her shark ears heard what he had said that caught her off guard. She almost slip up when she felt a hand grabbing her hands.

"Juvia nee, be careful!" Juvia nodded with a red dust on her chicks.

"Your still cute as ever..."


"Hey! Please tell me you guys aren't thinking of running towards Alubarna!?!" Usopp yelled. Juvia mentally agreed wth the guy as she is pretty sure she won't survive sooner if they will.

"We got Eyelashes!" Nami said as she realized that the said camel is not wth them. "Just where the hell is that stupid camel anyway?" She ask to particularly no one.

"We lost track at him when we were chase up by the marines" Zoro remind everyone as Juvia agreed that she did saw the camel panic and was left behind.

"Poor camel" juvia mutter having a soft heart with cute (she's was totally oblivious that his a pervert) animals.

"Does this place have stables? Let's get some horse" Luffy said with a grin. But Vivi didn't agree wth him because the whole town was literally field with marines by now. And Juvia bet, that smoker won't give them another chance...

Just then, the earth beneath them shook as everyone hardly have a hard time standing when Juvia notice a certain reindeer. "Chopper! Eyelashes! (And mr. Crab! *Ahem*) Legs!"

'Legs?' Everyone mentally thought, confuse when they saw Chopper and eyelashes  riding a... A...


Why would a giant crab be on his way towards them with two of her friends?... Juvia didn't know why but she decided to ignore it (😑).

"Hey you guys! Hop on!" Chopper shouted as everyone sat on to the giant crab's back. Oh how happy Luffy look when Juvia caught sight of him. Juvia laugh as the crab starts to run towards where crocodile heads to.

"So I guess finding that camel isn't that bad after all" sanji grumbles when Usopp heard what he said.

"Yeah I guess, at least Nami didn't have to hog the whole ride to herself.."

"Shut up!"

Vivi was amaze to how Chopper found the crab as chopper exclaim that it wasn't easy. Juvia keeps on patting the crab and the (perv) camel saying good boys(?). Sanji was obviously furious.

"He said that he and eyelashes were friends so he said he'd help us" chopper said.

But just as they were gaining speed, they heard Vivi scream in horror. When they tried to know what the cause of her horror. A familiar hook had hooked around the waist pulling her on the process. "Vivi!"

Both Chopper and Zoro screamed to the giant crab for it to stop. I went to grab my umbrella and planned to hit Crocodile with it using Armament Haki only for him to jump backwards, succeeding on avoiding me. 'Dammit!'

Juvia felt a hand on you waist before you were hoist back by Luffy. You and Luffy switches places he holding on the hook. He intended to only throw him away when he got drag instead by the warlord. 

Juvia only screamed in horror when you watches him fall off the crab. Feeling sick in your stomach for being useless right now... "Luffy, no!"

"You guys go ahead! Don't worry about me!" 


"Don't worry nee chan!..." his voice starts to disappear...

"I'll be fine!"

"I'll be fine!"

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A/n: hehe~ Sorry for updating very VERY late.
What do you think?

I feel like I should hit myself lol

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

I feel like I should hit myself lol...

ONE PIECE: (AQUARIUS)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora